• We do not play on Graves —

    Because there isn't Room —

    Besides — it isn't even — it slants

    And People come —

    And put a Flower on it —

    And hang their faces so —

    We're fearing that their Hearts will drop —

    And crush our pretty play —

    And so we move as far


  • We don't cry — Tim and I,

    We are far too grand —

    But we bolt the door tight

    To prevent a friend —

    Then we hide our brave face

    Deep in our hand —

    Not to cry — Tim and I —

    We are far too grand —

    Nor to dream — he and me —

    Do we condescend —


  • We dream — it is good we are dreaming —

    It would hurt us — were we awake —

    But since it is playing — kill us,

    And we are playing — shriek —

    What harm? Men die — externally —

    It is a truth — of Blood —

    But we — are dying in Drama —

    And Drama — is never dead —


  • We grow accustomed to the Dark —

    When light is put away —

    As when the Neighbor holds the Lamp

    To witness her Goodbye —

    A Moment — We uncertain step

    For newness of the night —

    Then — fit our Vision to the Dark —

    And meet the Road — erect —

    And so of larger — Darkness —...

  • We hail the day—the glorious day

     Which gave a nation birth;

    Where Freedom could her wand display

     Among the powers of earth.


       All hail—all hail! to th’ Stars and Stripes,

        The banner wide unfurled—

       Here high amid our mountain sky,

  • We introduce ourselves

    To Planets and to Flowers

    But with ourselves

    Have etiquettes


    And awes

  • We knew not that we were to live —

    Nor when — we are to die —

    Our ignorance — our cuirass is —

    We wear Mortality

    As lightly as an Option Gown

    Till asked to take it off —

    By his intrusion, God is known —

    It is the same with Life —

  • We learn it in Retreating

    How vast an one

    Was recently among us —

    A Perished Sun

    Endear in the departure

    How doubly more

    Than all the Golden presence

    It was — before —

  • We learned the Whole of Love —

    The Alphabet — the Words —

    A Chapter — then the mighty Book —

    Then — Revelation closed —

    But in Each Other's eyes

    An Ignorance beheld —

    Diviner than the Childhood's —

    And each to each, a Child —

    Attempted to expound


  • We like a Hairbreadth 'scape

    It tingles in the Mind

    Far after Act or Accident

    Like paragraphs of Wind

    If we had ventured less

    The Breeze were not so fine

    That reaches to our utmost Hair

    Its Tentacles divine.