• The Mountains — grow unnoticed —

    Their Purple figures rise

    Without attempt — Exhaustion —

    Assistance — or Applause —

    In Their Eternal Faces

    The Sun — with just delight

    Looks long — and last — and golden —

    For fellowship — at night —

  • The Murmur of a Bee

    A Witchcraft — yieldeth me —

    If any ask me why —

    'Twere easier to die —

    Than tell —

    The Red upon the Hill

    Taketh away my will —

    If anybody sneer —

    Take care — for God is here —

    That's all.

    The Breaking of the Day


  • The murmuring of Bees, has ceased

    But murmuring of some

    Posterior, prophetic,

    Has simultaneous come.

    The lower metres of the Year

    When Nature's laugh is done

    The Revelations of the Book

    Whose Genesis was June.

    Appropriate Creatures to her change

    The Typic Mother sends...

  • The Mushroom is the Elf of Plants —

    At Evening, it is not —

    At Morning, in a Truffled Hut

    It stop upon a Spot

    As if it tarried always

    And yet its whole Career

    Is shorter than a Snake's Delay

    And fleeter than a Tare —

    'Tis Vegetation's Juggler —

    The Germ of...

  • The name — of it — is "Autumn" —

    The hue — of it — is Blood —

    An Artery — upon the Hill —

    A Vein — along the Road —

    Great Globules — in the Alleys —

    And Oh, the Shower of Stain —

    When Winds — upset the Basin —

    And spill the Scarlet Rain —

    It sprinkles Bonnets — far...

  • The nearest Dream recedes — unrealized —

    The Heaven we chase,

    Like the June Bee — before the School Boy,

    Invites the Race —

    Stoops — to an easy Clover —

    Dips — evades — teases — deploys —

    Then — to the Royal Clouds

    Lifts his light Pinnace —

    Heedless of the Boy —


  • Forced from home and all its pleasures,

      Afric's coast I left forlorn;

    To increase a stranger's treasures,

      O'er the raging billows borne.

    Men from England bought and sold me,

      Paid my price in paltry gold;

    But, though slave they have enroll'd me

      Minds are never to be sold.


  • Addressed to the Patrons of the Pennsylvania Freeman.

    The wave is breaking on the shore,

    The echo fading from the chime

    Again the shadow moveth o'er

    The dial-plate of time!

    O seer-seen Angel! waiting now

    With weary feet on sea and shore,

    Impatient for the last dread vow

  • The Night was wide, and furnished scant

    With but a single Star —

    That often as a Cloud it met —

    Blew out itself — for fear —

    The Wind pursued the little Bush —

    And drove away the Leaves

    November left — then clambered up

    And fretted in the Eaves —

    No Squirrel went...

  • The Notice that is called the Spring

    Is but a month from here —

    Put up my Heart thy Hoary work

    And take a Rosy Chair.

    Not any House the Flowers keep —

    The Birds enamor Care —

    Our salary the longest Day

    Is nothing but a Bier.