• South Winds jostle them —

    Bumblebees come —

    Hover — hesitate —

    Drink, and are gone —

    Butterflies pause

    On their passage Cashmere —

    I — softly plucking,

    Present them here!

  • Speech is one symptom of Affection

    And Silence one —

    The perfectest communication

    Is heard of none —

    Exists and its indorsement

    Is had within —

    Behold, said the Apostle,

    Yet had not seen!

  •     "Will you walk into my parlor?" said the Spider to the Fly,

        "'Tis the prettiest little parlor that ever you did spy;

        The way into my parlor is up a winding stair,

        And I have many curious things to show you when you are there."

        "Oh no, no," said the Fly, "to ask me is in vain;

        For who goes up...

  • Split the Lark — and you'll find the Music —

    Bulb after Bulb, in Silver rolled —

    Scantilly dealt to the Summer Morning

    Saved for your Ear when Lutes be old.

    Loose the Flood — you shall find it patent —

    Gush after Gush, reserved for you —

    Scarlet Experiment! Sceptic Thomas!

    Now, do you...

  • Spring comes on the World —

    I sight the Aprils —

    Hueless to me until thou come

    As, till the Bee

    Blossoms stand negative,

    Touched to Conditions

    By a Hum.

  • Spring is the Period

    Express from God.

    Among the other seasons

    Himself abide,

    But during March and April

    None stir abroad

    Without a cordial interview

    With God.

  •            Over the valleys and over the mountains,

                 Borne on the wings of the south wind I come;

               Breaking the ice-chains, unloosing the fountains,

                 Waking all Nature to beauty and bloom.

               Flowers from the green turf in myriads are springing;


  • Spurn the temerity —

    Rashness of Calvary —

    Gay were Gethsemane

    Knew we of Thee —

  • I often wondered when I cursed,

    Often feared where I would be—

    Wondered where she'd yield her love,

    When I yield, so will she.

    I would her will be pitied!

    Cursed be love! She pitied me ...