• I.

    ON the top of the Crumpetty Tree

        The Quangle Wangle sat,

    But his face you could not see,


  • * * *

    What is it men in women do require

    The lineaments of Gratified Desire

    What is it women do in men require

    The lineaments of Gratified Desire[3]

  • Quite empty, quite at rest,

    The Robin locks her Nest, and tries her Wings.

    She does not know a Route

    But puts her Craft about

    For rumored Springs —

    She does not ask for Noon —

    She does not ask for Boon,

    Crumbless and homeless, of but one request —

    The Birds she lost —

    * * *

    Rafael Sublime Majestic Graceful Wise

    His Executive Power must I despise

    Rubens Low Vulgar Stupid Ignorant

    His power of Execution I must grant
    5 Learn the Laborious stumble of a Fool

    And from...

  • Rather arid delight

    If Contentment accrue

    Make an abstemious Ecstasy

    Not so good as joy —

    But Rapture's Expense

    Must not be incurred

    With a tomorrow knocking

    And the Rent unpaid —

  • Read — Sweet — how others — strove —

    Till we — are stouter —

    What they — renounced —

    Till we — are less afraid —

    How many times they — bore the faithful witness —

    Till we — are helped —

    As if a Kingdom — cared!

    Read then — of faith —

    That shone above the fagot —


  • I like a look of agony

    Because I know it 's true ;

    Men do not sham convulsion,

    Nor simulate a throe.

    The eyes gaze once, and that is death.

    Impossible to feign

    The beads upon the forehead

    By homely anguish...

  • Rearrange a "Wife's" affection!

    When they dislocate my Brain!

    Amputate my freckled Bosom!

    Make me bearded like a man!

    Blush, my spirit, in thy Fastness —

    Blush, my unacknowledged clay —

    Seven years of troth have taught thee

    More than Wifehood every may!

    Love that never...