• No Crowd that has occurred

    Exhibit — I suppose

    That General Attendance

    That Resurrection — does —

    Circumference be full —

    The long restricted Grave

    Assert her Vital Privilege —

    The Dust — connect — and live —

    On Atoms — features place —

    All Multitudes that...

  • No ladder needs the bird but skies

    To situate its wings,

    Nor any leader's grim baton

    Arraigns it as it sings.

    The implements of bliss are few —

    As Jesus says of Him,

    "Come unto me" the moiety

    That wafts the cherubim.

  • No Life can pompless pass away —

    The lowliest career

    To the same Pageant wends its way

    As that exalted here —

    How cordial is the mystery!

    The hospitable Pall

    A "this way" beckons spaciously —

    A Miracle for all!

  • No Man can compass a Despair —

    As round a Goalless Road

    No faster than a Mile at once

    The Traveller proceed —

    Unconscious of the Width —

    Unconscious that the Sun

    Be setting on His progress —

    So accurate the One

    At estimating Pain —

    Whose own — has just...

  • No man saw awe, nor to his house

    Admitted he a man

    Though by his awful residence

    Has human nature been.

    Not deeming of his dread abode

    Till laboring to flee

    A grasp on comprehension laid

    Detained vitality.

    Returning is a different route

    The Spirit could not...

  • No matter where the Saints abide,

    They make their Circuit fair

    Behold how great a Firmament

    Accompanies a Star.

  • No matter — now — Sweet —

    But when I'm Earl —

    Won't you wish you'd spoken

    To that dull Girl?

    Trivial a Word — just —

    Trivial — a Smile —

    But won't you wish you'd spared one

    When I'm Earl?

    I shan't need it — then —

    Crests — will do —

    Eagles on my...

  • No Notice gave She, but a Change —

    No Message, but a Sigh —

    For Whom, the Time did not suffice

    That She should specify.

    She was not warm, though Summer shone

    Nor scrupulous of cold

    Though Rime by Rime, the steady Frost

    Upon Her Bosom piled —

    Of shrinking ways — she did...

  • No Other can reduce

    Our mortal Consequence

    Like the remembering it be nought

    A Period from hence

    But Contemplation for

    Contemporaneous Nought

    Our Single Competition

    Jehovah's Estimate.

  • No Passenger was known to flee —

    That lodged a night in memory —

    That wily — subterranean Inn

    Contrives that none go out again —