• My Heart ran so to thee

    It would not wait for me

    And I affronted grew

    And drew away

    For whatsoe'er my pace

    He first achieve they Face

    How general a Grace

    Allotted two —

    Not in malignity

    Mentioned I this to thee —

    Had he obliquity


  • My Heart upon a little Plate

    Her Palate to delight

    A Berry or a Bun, would be,

    Might it an Apricot!

  • My life closed twice before its close—

    It yet remains to see

    If Immortality unveil

    A third event to me

    So huge, so hopeless to conceive

    As these that twice befell.

    Parting is all we know of heaven,

    And all we need of hell.

  • My Life had stood — a Loaded Gun —

    In Corners — till a Day

    The Owner passed — identified —

    And carried Me away —

    And now We roam in Sovereign Woods —

    And now We hunt the Doe —

    And every time I speak for Him —

    The Mountains straight reply —

    And do I smile, such cordial...

  • My Maker — let me be

    Enamored most of thee —

    But nearer this

    I more should miss —

  • My nosegays are for Captives —

    Dim — expectant eyes,

    Fingers denied the plucking,

    Patient till Paradise.

    To such, if they should whisper

    Of morning and the moor,

    They bear no other errand,

    And I, no other prayer.

  • My period had come for Prayer —

    No other Art — would do —

    My Tactics missed a rudiment —

    Creator — Was it you?

    God grows above — so those who pray

    Horizons — must ascend —

    And so I stepped upon the North

    To see this Curious Friend —

    His House was not — no sign had He...

  • My Portion is Defeat — today —

    A paler luck than Victory —

    Less Paeans — fewer Bells —

    The Drums don't follow Me — with tunes —

    Defeat — a somewhat slower — means —

    More Arduous than Balls —

    'Tis populous with Bone and stain —

    And Men too straight to stoop again —,

    And Piles...

  • My Reward for Being, was This.

    My premium — My Bliss —

    An Admiralty, less —

    A Sceptre — penniless —

    And Realms — just Dross —

    When Thrones accost my Hands —

    With "Me, Miss, Me" —

    I'll unroll Thee —

    Dominions dowerless — beside this Grace —

    Election — Vote —...

  • My River runs to thee —

    Blue Sea! Wilt welcome me?

    My River wait reply —

    Oh Sea — look graciously —

    I'll fetch thee Brooks

    From spotted nooks —

    Say — Sea — Take Me!