• * * *

    Fortune favours the Brave old Proverbs say

    But not with Money. that is not the way

    Turn back turn back you travel all in vain

    Turn thro the iron gate down Sneaking Lane

  • * * *

    For Fortunes favours you your riches bring

    But Fortune says she gave you no such thing

    Why should you be ungrateful to your friends

    Sneaking & Backbiting & Odds & Ends

  • Much madness is divinest sense

    To a discerning eye ;

    Much sense the starkest madness.

    'T is the majority

    In this, as all, prevails.

    Assent, and you are sane ;

    Demur, — you're straightway dangerous,

    And handled...

  • Oh, Mulligan's bar was the deuce of a place

    To drink, and to fight, and to gamble and race;

    The height of choice spirits from near and from far

    Were all concentrated on Mulligan's bar.

    There was "Jerry the Swell", and the jockey-boy Ned,

    "Dog-bite-me" — so called from the shape of his head —

    And a...

  • Musicians wrestle everywhere —

    All day — among the crowded air

    I hear the silver strife —

    And — waking — long before the morn —

    Such transport breaks upon the town

    I think it that "New Life"!

    If is not Bird — it has no nest —

    Nor "Band" — in brass and scarlet — drest —


  • Must be a Woe —

    A loss or so —

    To bend the eye

    Best Beauty's way —

    But — once aslant

    It notes Delight

    As difficult

    As Stalactite

    A Common Bliss

    Were had for less —

    The price — is

    Even as the Grace —

    Our lord —...

  • Mute thy Coronation —

    Meek my Vive le roi,

    Fold a tiny courtier

    In thine Ermine, Sir,

    There to rest revering

    Till the pageant by,

    I can murmur broken,

    Master, It was I —

  • My best Acquaintances are those

    With Whom I spoke no Word —

    The Stars that stated come to Town

    Esteemed Me never rude

    Although to their Celestial Call

    I failed to make reply —

    My constant — reverential Face

    Sufficient Courtesy.

  • My Cocoon tightens — Colors tease —

    I'm feeling for the Air —

    A dim capacity for Wings

    Demeans the Dress I wear —

    A power of Butterfly must be —

    The Aptitude to fly

    Meadows of Majesty implies

    And easy Sweeps of Sky —

    So I must baffle at the Hint

    And cipher...