• TO Lyttleton the muse this off'ring pays;

    Who sings of liberty, must sing his praise.

    This man, ye grateful Britons, all revere;

    Here raise your altars, bring your incense here.

    To him the praise, the blessings which ye owe,

    More than their sires your grateful sons shall know.

    O! for...

  • Where'er he be, on water or land,
    Under pale suns or climes that flames enfold;

    One of Christ's own, or of Cythera's band,
    Shadowy beggar or...

  • Life — is what we make of it —

    Death — we do not know —

    Christ's acquaintance with Him

    Justify Him — though —

    He — would trust no stranger —

    Other — could betray —

    Just His own endorsement —

    That — sufficeth Me —

    All the other Distance

    He hath traversed...

  • Life, and Death, and Giants —

    Such as These — are still —

    Minor — Apparatus — Hopper of the Mill —

    Beetle at the Candle —

    Or a Fife's Fame —

    Maintain — by Accident that they proclaim —

  • Lift it — with the Feathers

    Not alone we fly —

    Launch it — the aquatic

    Not the only sea —

    Advocate the Azure

    To the lower Eyes —

    He has obligation

    Who has Paradise —

  • Light is sufficient to itself —

    If Others want to see

    It can be had on Window Panes

    Some Hours in the Day.

    But not for Compensation —

    It holds as large a Glow

    To Squirrel in the Himmaleh

    Precisely, as to you.

  • Lightly stepped a yellow star

    To its lofty place —

    Loosed the Moon her silver hat

    From her lustral Face —

    All of Evening softly lit

    As an Astral Hall —

    Father, I observed to Heaven,

    You are punctual.

  • Like Brooms of Steel

    The Snow and Wind

    Had swept the Winter Street —

    The House was hooked

    The Sun sent out

    Faint Deputies of Heat —

    Where rode the Bird

    The Silence tied

    His ample — plodding Steed

    The Apple in the Cellar snug

    Was all the one that played....

  • Like eyes that looked on Wastes —

    Incredulous of Ought

    But Blank — and steady Wilderness —

    Diversified by Night —

    Just Infinites of Nought —

    As far as it could see —

    So looked the face I looked upon —

    So looked itself — on Me —

    I offered it no Help —


  • Like Flowers, that heard the news of Dews,

    But never deemed the dripping prize

    Awaited their — low Brows —

    Or Bees — that thought the Summer's name

    Some rumor of Delirium,

    No Summer — could — for Them —

    Or Arctic Creatures, dimly stirred —

    By Tropic Hint — some Travelled Bird