• Lain in Nature — so suffice us

    The enchantless Pod

    When we advertise existence

    For the missing Seed —

    Maddest Heart that God created

    Cannot move a sod

    Pasted by the simple summer

    On the Longed for Dead

  •           Go forth in life, O friend, not seeking love;

                 A mendicant that with imploring eye

                 And outstretched hand asks of the passers-by

              The alms his strong necessities may move.

              For such poor love, to pity near allied,

                 Thy generous spirit should not...

  • Oh, England is a pleasant place for those that's rich and high;

    But England is a cruel place for such poor folks as I;

    And such a port for Mariners I ne'er shall see again,

    As the pleasant Isle of Avés, beside the Spanish main.

    There were forty craft in Avés that were both swift and stout,

    All furnish'd well...

  • Oh, the new-chum went to the backblock run,

    But he should have gone there last week.

    He tramped ten miles with a loaded gun,

    But of turkey of duck saw never a one,

    For he should have been there last week,

    They said,

    There were flocks of 'em there last week.

    He wended his way to a...

  • Lay this Laurel on the One

    Too intrinsic for Renown —

    Laurel — veil your deathless tree —

    Him you chasten, that is He!

  •                I

         Lars Porsena of Clusium

              By the Nine Gods he swore

         That the great house of Tarquin

              Should suffer wrong no more.

         By the Nine Gods he swore it,

              And named a trysting day,

         And bade his messengers ride forth,


  • A Lay Sung at the Feast of Castor and Pollux on the Ides of
    Quintilis in the year of the City CCCCLI.


         Ho, trumpets, sound a war-note!

              Ho, lictors, clear the way!

         The Knights will ride, in all their pride,

              Along the streets to-day.

  • A Lay Sung at the Banquet in the Capitol, on the Day Whereon
    Manius Curius Dentatus, a Second Time Consul, Triumphed Over King
    Pyrrhus and the Tarentines, in the Year of the City CCCCLXXIX.


         Now slain is King Amulius,

              Of the great Sylvian line,