• It was not Death, for I stood up,

    And all the Dead, lie down —

    It was not Night, for all the Bells

    Put out their Tongues, for Noon.

    It was not Frost, for on my Flesh

    I felt Siroccos — crawl —

    Nor Fire — for just my Marble feet

    Could keep a Chancel, cool —

    And yet, it...

  • It was not Saint — it was too large —

    Nor Snow — it was too small —

    It only held itself aloof

    Like something spiritual —

  • It was too late for man,

    But early yet for God ;

    Creation impotent to help,

    But prayer remained our side.

    How excellent the heaven,

    When earth cannot be had ;

    How hospitable, then, the face

    Of our old...

  • It will be Summer — eventually.

    Ladies — with parasols —

    Sauntering Gentlemen — with Canes —

    And little Girls — with Dolls —

    Will tint the pallid landscape —

    As 'twere a bright Bouquet —

    Tho' drifted deep, in Parian —

    The Village lies — today —

    The Lilacs — bending...

  • It would have starved a Gnat —

    To live so small as I —

    And yet I was a living Child —

    With Food's necessity

    Upon me — like a Claw —

    I could no more remove

    Than I could coax a Leech away —

    Or make a Dragon — move —

    Not like the Gnat — had I —

    The privilege...

  • It would never be Common — more — I said —

    Difference — had begun —

    Many a bitterness — had been —

    But that old sort — was done —

    Or — if it sometime — showed — as 'twill —

    Upon the Downiest — Morn —

    Such bliss — had I — for all the years —

    'Twould give an Easier — pain —


  • It would not know if it were spurned,

    This gallant little flower —

    How therefore safe to be a flower

    If one would tamper there.

    To enter, it would not aspire —

    But may it not despair

    That it is not a Cavalier,

    To dare and perish there?

  • It's all I have to bring today —

    This, and my heart beside —

    This, and my heart, and all the fields —

    And all the meadows wide —

    Be sure you count — should I forget

    Some one the sum could tell —

    This, and my heart, and all the Bees

    Which in the Clover dwell.

  • It's coming — the postponeless Creature —

    It gains the Block — and now — it gains the Door —

    Chooses its latch, from all the other fastenings —

    Enters — with a "You know Me — Sir"?

    Simple Salute — and certain Recognition —

    Bold — were it Enemy — Brief — were it friend —

    Dresses each House in Crape...

  • It's easy to invent a Life —

    God does it — every Day —

    Creation — but the Gambol

    Of His Authority —

    It's easy to efface it —

    The thrifty Deity

    Could scarce afford Eternity

    To Spontaneity —

    The Perished Patterns murmur —

    But His Perturbless Plan
