• If my Bark sink

    'Tis to another sea —

    Mortality's Ground Floor

    Is Immortality —

  • If Nature smiles — the Mother must

    I'm sure, at many a whim

    Of Her eccentric Family —

    Is She so much to blame?

  • If pain for peace prepares

    Lo, what "Augustan" years

    Our feet await!

    If springs from winter rise,

    Can the Anemones

    Be reckoned up?

    If night stands fast — then noon

    To gird us for the sun,

    What gaze!

    When from a thousand skies

    On our...

  • If recollecting is forgetting,

    then I remember yet.

    And if forgetting, recollecting,

    how near I shall forget.

    And if to miss, were merry,

    and to mourn, were gay,

    how very blithe the fingers

    that gather this today

  • If she had been the Mistletoe

    And I had been the Rose —

    How gay upon your table

    My velvet life to close —

    Since I am of the Druid,

    And she is of the dew —

    I'll deck Tradition's buttonhole —

    And send the Rose to you.

  • If the foolish, call them "flowers" —

    Need the wiser, tell?

    If the Savants "Classify" them

    It is just as well!

    Those who read the "Revelations"

    Must not criticize

    Those who read the same Edition —

    With beclouded Eyes!

    Could we stand with that Old "Moses" —

  • If this is "fading"

    Oh let me immediately "fade"!

    If this is "dying"

    Bury me, in such a shroud of red!

    If this is "sleep,"

    On such a night

    How proud to shut the eye!

    Good Evening, gentle Fellow men!

    Peacock presumes to die!

  • If those I loved were lost

    The Crier's voice would tell me —

    If those I loved were found

    The bells of Ghent would ring —

    Did those I loved repose

    The Daisy would impel me.

    Philip — when bewildered

    Bore his riddle in!

  • If What we could — were what we would —

    Criterion — be small —

    It is the Ultimate of Talk —

    The Impotence to Tell —

  • If wrecked upon the Shoal of Thought

    How is it with the Sea?

    The only Vessel that is shunned

    Is safe — Simplicity —