• I got so I could take his name —

    Without — Tremendous gain —

    That Stop-sensation — on my Soul —

    And Thunder — in the Room —

    I got so I could walk across

    That Angle in the floor,

    Where he turned so, and I turned — how —

    And all our Sinew tore —

    I got so I could stir the...

  • I groped for him before I knew

    With solemn nameless need

    All other bounty sudden chaff

    For this foreshadowed Food

    Which others taste and spurn and sneer —

    Though I within suppose

    That consecrated it could be

    The only Food that grows

  • I had a daily Bliss

    I half indifferent viewed

    Till sudden I perceived it stir —

    It grew as I pursued

    Till when around a Height

    It wasted from my sight

    Increased beyond my utmost scope

    I learned to estimate.

  • I had a guinea golden —

    I lost it in the sand —

    And tho' the sum was simple

    And pounds were in the land —

    Still, had it such a value

    Unto my frugal eye —

    That when I could not find it —

    I sat me down to sigh.

    I had a crimson Robin —

    Who sang full many a day...

  • I had been hungry, all the Years —

    My Noon had Come — to dine —

    I trembling drew the Table near —

    And touched the Curious Wine —

    'Twas this on Tables I had seen —

    When turning, hungry, Lone

    I looked in Windows, for the Wealth

    I could not hope — to Own —

    I did not know...

  • I had no Cause to be awake —

    My Best — was gone to sleep —

    And Morn a new politeness took —

    And failed to wake them up —

    But called the others — clear —

    And passed their Curtains by —

    Sweet Morning — when I oversleep —

    Knock — Recollect — to Me —

    I looked at Sunrise —...

  • I had no time to Hate —


    The Grave would hinder Me —

    And Life was not so

    Ample I

    Could finish — Enmity —

    Nor had I time to Love —

    But since

    Some Industry must be —

    The little Toil of Love —

    I thought

    Be large enough for Me —


  • I had not minded — Walls —

    Were Universe — one Rock —

    And far I heard his silver Call

    The other side the Block —

    I'd tunnel — till my Groove

    Pushed sudden thro' to his —

    Then my face take her Recompense —

    The looking in his Eyes —

    But 'tis a single Hair —


  • I had some things that I called mine —

    And God, that he called his,

    Till, recently a rival Claim

    Disturbed these amities.

    The property, my garden,

    Which having sown with care,

    He claims the pretty acre,

    And sends a Bailiff there.

    The station of the parties


  • I had the Glory — that will do —

    An Honor, Thought can turn her to

    When lesser Fames invite —

    With one long "Nay" —

    Bliss' early shape

    Deforming — Dwindling — Gulfing up —

    Time's possibility.