• Let us cease our idle chatter,

    Let the tears bedew our cheek,

    For a man from Tallangatta

    Has been missing for a week.

    Where the roaring flooded Murray

    Covered all the lower land,

    There he started in a hurry

    With a bottle in his hand.

    And his fate is bid for ever,...

  • How many Flowers fail in Wood —

    Or perish from the Hill —

    Without the privilege to know

    That they are Beautiful —

    How many cast a nameless Pod

    Upon the nearest Breeze —

    Unconscious of the Scarlet Freight —

    It bear to Other Eyes —

  • How many schemes may die

    In one short Afternoon

    Entirely unknown

    To those they most concern —

    The man that was not lost

    Because by accident

    He varied by a Ribbon's width

    From his accustomed route —

    The Love that would not try

    Because beside the Door

    It must...

  • How many times these low feet staggered —

    Only the soldered mouth can tell —

    Try — can you stir the awful rivet —

    Try — can you lift the hasps of steel!

    Stroke the cool forehead — hot so often —

    Lift — if you care — the listless hair —

    Handle the adamantine fingers

    Never a thimble —...

  • How much of Source escapes with thee —

    How chief thy sessions be —

    For thou hast borne a universe

    Entirely away.

  • How much the present moment means

    To those who've nothing more —

    The Fop — the Carp — the Atheist —

    Stake an entire store

    Upon a Moment's shallow Rim

    While their commuted Feet

    The Torrents of Eternity

    Do all but inundate —

  • How News must feel when travelling

    If News have any Heart

    Alighting at the Dwelling

    'Twill enter like a Dart!

    What News must think when pondering

    If News have any Thought

    Concerning the stupendousness

    Of its perceiveless freight!

    What News will do when every Man

  • How noteless Men, and Pleiads, stand,

    Until a sudden sky

    Reveals the fact that One is rapt

    Forever from the Eye —

    Members of the Invisible,

    Existing, while we stare,

    In Leagueless Opportunity,

    O'ertakenless, as the Air —

    Why didn't we detain Them?


  • How ruthless are the gentle —

    How cruel are the kind —

    God broke his contract to his Lamb

    To qualify the Wind —