• Her sovereign People

    Nature knows as well

    And is as fond of signifying

    As if fallible —

  • Her spirit rose to such a height

    Her countenance it did inflate

    Like one that fed on awe.

    More prudent to assault the dawn

    Than merit the ethereal scorn

    That effervesced from her.

  • Her Sweet turn to leave the Homestead

    Came the Darker Way —

    Carriages — Be Sure — and Guests — too —

    But for Holiday

    'Tis more pitiful Endeavor

    Than did Loaded Sea

    O'er the Curls attempt to caper

    It had cast away —

    Never Bride had such Assembling —


  • Her sweet Weight on my Heart a Night

    Had scarcely deigned to lie —

    When, stirring, for Belief's delight,

    My Bride had slipped away —

    If 'twas a Dream — made solid — just

    The Heaven to confirm —

    Or if Myself were dreamed of Her —

    The power to presume —

    With Him remain...

  •  * * *

    Her whole Life is an Epigram smack smooth & nobly pend

    Platted quite neat to catch applause with a sliding noose at the end[3]

  • Her — "last Poems" —

    Poets — ended —

    Silver — perished — with her Tongue —

    Not on Record — bubbled other,

    Flute — or Woman —

    So divine —

    Not unto its Summer — Morning

    Robin — uttered Half the Tune —

    Gushed too free for the Adoring —

    From the Anglo-Florentine —

  • THEY told me, Heraclitus, they told me you were dead,

    They brought me bitter news to hear and bitter tears to shed.

    I wept as I remember'd how often you and I

    Had tired the sun with talking and sent him down the sky.

    And now that thou art lying, my dear old Carian guest,

    A handful of grey ashes, long, long ago...

  • Here, where the Daisies fit my Head

    'Tis easiest to lie

    And every Grass that plays outside

    Is sorry, some, for me.

    Where I am not afraid to go

    I may confide my Flower —

    Who was not Enemy of Me

    Will gentle be, to Her.

    Nor separate, Herself and Me


  • Herein a Blossom lies —

    A Sepulchre, between —

    Cross it, and overcome the Bee —

    Remain — 'tis but a Rind.

  • * * *

    Hes a Blockhead who wants a proof of what he Can't Percieve

    And he's a Fool who tries to make such a Blockhead believe