• Had I not This, or This, I said,

    Appealing to Myself,

    In moment of prosperity —

    Inadequate — were Life —

    "Thou hast not Me, nor Me" — it said,

    In Moment of Reverse —

    "And yet Thou art industrious —

    No need — hadst Thou — of us"?

    My need — was all I had — I said —...

  • Had I presumed to hope —

    The loss had been to Me

    A Value — for the Greatness' Sake —

    As Giants — gone away —

    Had I presumed to gain

    A Favor so remote —

    The failure but confirm the Grace

    In further Infinite —

    'Tis failure — not of Hope —

    But Confident...

  • Had this one Day not been.

    Or could it cease to be

    How smitten, how superfluous,

    Were every other Day!

    Lest Love should value less

    What Loss would value more

    Had it the stricken privilege,

    It cherishes before.

  • Had we known the Ton she bore

    We had helped the terror

    But she straighter walked for Freight

    So be hers the error —

  • Had we our senses

    But perhaps 'tis well they're not at Home

    So intimate with Madness

    He's liable with them

    Had we the eyes without our Head —

    How well that we are Blind —

    We could not look upon the Earth —

    So utterly unmoved —

  •         Untrodden, drear, and lone,

                Stretched many a league away,

            Beneath a burning, noonday sun,

                The Syrian desert lay.


            The scorching rays that beat

                Upon that herbless plain,

            The dazzling sands, with fiercer heat,

  • Hail, sovereign love, which first began

    The scheme to rescue fallen man!

    Hail, matchless, free, eternal grace,

    That gave my soul a Hiding Place!

    Against the God who built the sky,

    I fought with hands uplifted high,

    Despised the mention of His grace,

    Too proud to seek a Hiding Place....

  • 1 GOD of the year! with songs of praise

      And hearts of love, we come to bless

      Thy bounteous hand, for thou hast shed

      Thy manna o'er our wilderness.

    2 In early spring-time thou didst fling

      O'er earth its robe of blossoming;

      And its sweet treasures, day by day,
