• Garland for Queens, may be —

    Laurels — for rare degree

    Of soul or sword.

    Ah — but remembering me —

    Ah — but remembering thee —

    Nature in chivalry —

    Nature in charity —

    Nature in equity —

    This Rose ordained!

  • Gathered into the Earth,

    And out of story —

    Gathered so that strange Fame —

    That lonesome Glory

    That hath no omen here — but Awe —

  • It was somewhere up the country, in a land of rock and scrub,

    That they formed an institution called the Geebung Polo Club.

    They were long and wiry natives from the rugged mountain side,

    And the horse was never saddled that the Geebungs couldn't ride;

    But their style of playing polo was irregular and rash —

  • GREAT Soul, and brave, 'tis good to think of thee,

    And with a filial reverence raise the veil

    From patriot valor, that ne'er sought of Fame

    Her clarion-payment.

                             See we not again,

    The unfinished furrow, the forsaken home,

    The flying steed, urg'd by thy sleepless heart...

  • My horse had been lamed in the foot

    In the rocks at the back of the run,

    So I camped at the Murderer's Hut,

    At the place where the murder was done.

    The walls were all spattered with gore,

    A terrible symbol of guilt;

    And the bloodstains were fresh on the floor

    Where the blood of the...

  • Oh, Mr Gilhooley he turned up his toes,

    As most of you know, soon or late;

    And Jones was a lawyer, as everyone knows,

    So they took him to Gilhooley's Estate.

    Gilhooley in life had been living so free

    'Twas thought his possessions were great,

    So Jones, with a smile, says, "There's many a fee

  • Give little Anguish —

    Lives will fret —

    Give Avalanches —

    And they'll slant —

    Straighten — look cautious for their Breath —

    But make no syllable — like Death —

    Who only shows the Marble Disc —

    Sublimer sort — than Speech —

    * * *

    Give pensions to the Learned Pig

    Or the Hare playing on a Tabor

    Anglus can never see Perfection

    But in the Journeymans Labour

  • Given in Marriage unto Thee

    Oh thou Celestial Host —

    Bride of the Father and the Son

    Bride of the Holy Ghost.

    Other Betrothal shall dissolve —

    Wedlock of Will, decay —

    Only the Keeper of this Ring

    Conquer Mortality —

  • Glass was the Street — in tinsel Peril

    Tree and Traveller stood —

    Filled was the Air with merry venture

    Hearty with Boys the Road —

    Shot the lithe Sleds like shod vibrations

    Emphasized and gone

    It is the Past's supreme italic

    Makes this Present mean —