• Extol thee — could I? Then I will

    By saying nothing new —

    But just the truest truth

    That thou art heavenly.

    Perceiving thee is evidence

    That we are of the sky

    Partaking thee a guaranty

    Of immortality

  • Exultation is the going

    Of an inland soul to sea,

    Past the houses — past the headlands —

    Into deep Eternity —

    Bred as we, among the mountains,

    Can the sailor understand

    The divine intoxication

    Of the first league out from land?

  • Some cawing Crows, a hooting Owl,

    A Hawk, a Canary, an old Marsh-Fowl,

    One day all meet together

    To hold a caucus and settle the fate

    Of a certain bird (without a mate),

    A bird of another feather.

    "My friends," said the Owl, with a look most wise,

    "The Eagle is soaring too near the...

  • Facts by our side are never sudden

    Until they look around

    And then they scare us like a spectre

    Protruding from the Ground —

    The height of our portentous Neighbor

    We never know —

    Till summoned to his recognition

    By an Adieu —

    Adieu for whence

    The sage...

  • Fairer through Fading — as the Day

    Into the Darkness dips away —

    Half Her Complexion of the Sun —

    Hindering — Haunting — Perishing —

    Rallies Her Glow, like a dying Friend —

    Teasing with glittering Amend —

    Only to aggravate the Dark

    Through an expiring — perfect — look —

  •  * * *

    A fairy skipd upon my knee

    Singing & dancing merrily

    I said Thou thing of patches rings

    Pins Necklaces & such like things

    Disguiser of the Female Form

    Thou paltry gilded poisnous worm

    Weeping he fell upon my thigh

    And thus in tears did soft reply

  • "Faith" is a fine invention

    For Gentlemen who see!

    But Microscopes are prudent

    In an Emergency!

  • Faith — is the Pierless Bridge

    Supporting what We see

    Unto the Scene that We do not —

    Too slender for the eye

    It bears the Soul as bold

    As it were rocked in Steel

    With Arms of Steel at either side —

    It joins — behind the Veil

    To what, could We presume
