• OH Happiness! to which we all aspire,

    Wing'd with strong hope, and borne by full desire,

    Oh Ease! for which in want, in wealth we sigh,

    That Ease for which we labour and we die.

    Why should the Female...

  • Essential Oils — are wrung —

    The Attar from the Rose

    Be not expressed by Suns — alone —

    It is the gift of Screws —

    The General Rose — decay —

    But this — in Lady's Drawer

    Make Summer — When the Lady lie

    In Ceaseless Rosemary —

  • Estranged from Beauty — none can be —

    For Beauty is Infinity —

    And power to be finite ceased

    Before Identity was leased.

  • Eternity

    He who binds to himself a joy

    Does the winged life destroy

    But he who kisses the joy as it flies

    Lives in eternity's sun rise[4]

  • It was while we held our races --

    Hurdles, sprints and steplechases --

    Up in Dandaloo,

    That a crowd of Sydney stealers,

    Jockeys, pugilists and spielers

    Brought some horses, real heelers,

    Came and put us through.

    Beat our nags and won our money,

    Made the game by no means...

  •   Oh that yon pines which crown the steep

        Their fires might ne'er surrender!

      Oh that yon fervid knoll might keep,

        While lasts the world, its splendor!

      Pale poplars on the wind that lean,

        And in the sunset shiver,

      Oh that your golden...

  • Come my Susan, quit your chamber,
    Greet the op'ning bloom of May,

    Let us on you hillock clamber,
    And around the scene survey.

    See the sun is now...

  • Except the Heaven had come so near —

    So seemed to choose My Door —

    The Distance would not haunt me so —

    I had not hoped — before —

    But just to hear the Grace depart —

    I never thought to see —

    Afflicts me with a Double loss —

    'Tis lost — and lost to me —

  • Except the smaller size

    No lives are round —

    These — hurry to a sphere

    And show and end —

    The larger — slower grow

    And later hang —

    The Summers of Hesperides

    Are long.

  • Except to heaven, she is nought ;

    Except for angels, lone ;

    Except to some wide-wandering bee,

    A flower superfluous blown ;

    Except for winds, provincial ;

    Except by butterflies,

    Unnoticed as a single dew
