• Whatever it is — she has tried it —

    Awful Father of Love —

    Is not Ours the chastising —

    Do not chastise the Dove —

    Not for Ourselves, petition —

    Nothing is left to pray —

    When a subject is finished —

    Words are handed away —

    Only lest she be lonely

    In thy...

  • When a Lover is a Beggar

    Abject is his Knee —

    When a Lover is an Owner

    Different is he —

    What he begged is then the Beggar —

    Oh disparity —

    Bread of Heaven resents bestowal

    Like an obloquy —

  •  * * * [2]

    When a Man has Married a Wife

    he finds out whether

    Her knees & elbows are only

    glued together

  • When Etna basks and purrs

    Naples is more afraid

    Than when she show her Garnet Tooth —

    Security is loud —

  • When I hoped I feared —

    Since I hoped I dared

    Everywhere alone

    As a Church remain —

    Spectre cannot harm —

    Serpent cannot charm —

    He deposes Doom

    Who hath suffered him —

  • When I hoped, I recollect

    Just the place I stood —

    At a Window facing West —

    Roughest Air — was good —

    Not a Sleet could bite me —

    Not a frost could cool —

    Hope it was that kept me warm —

    Not Merino shawl —

    When I feared — I recollect

    Just the Day it was —...

  • When I was small, a Woman died —

    Today — her Only Boy

    Went up from the Potomac —

    His face all Victory

    To look at her — How slowly

    The Seasons must have turned

    Till Bullets clipt an Angle

    And He passed quickly round —

    If pride shall be in Paradise —


  • When Katie walks, this simple pair accompany her side,

    When Katie runs unwearied they follow on the road,

    When Katie kneels, their loving hands still clasp her pious knee —

    Ah! Katie! Smile at Fortune, with two so knit to thee!

  • If Blake could do this when he rose up from shite

    What might he not do if he sat down to write[4]

  • When Memory is full

    Put on the perfect Lid —

    This Morning's finest syllable

    Presumptuous Evening said —