Whatever it is — she has tried it —

Awful Father of Love —

Is not Ours the chastising —

Do not chastise the Dove —

Not for Ourselves, petition —

Nothing is left to pray —

When a subject is finished...


When a Lover is a Beggar

Abject is his Knee —

When a Lover is an Owner

Different is he —

What he begged is then the Beggar —

Oh disparity —

Bread of Heaven resents bestowal

Like an...


 * * * [2]

When a Man has Married a Wife

he finds out whether

Her knees & elbows are only

glued together


When Etna basks and purrs

Naples is more afraid

Than when she show her Garnet Tooth —

Security is loud —


When I hoped I feared —

Since I hoped I dared

Everywhere alone

As a Church remain —

Spectre cannot harm —

Serpent cannot charm —

He deposes Doom

Who hath suffered him —


When I hoped, I recollect

Just the place I stood —

At a Window facing West —

Roughest Air — was good —

Not a Sleet could bite me —

Not a frost could cool —

Hope it was that kept me warm —


When I was small, a Woman died —

Today — her Only Boy

Went up from the Potomac —

His face all Victory

To look at her — How slowly

The Seasons must have turned

Till Bullets clipt an Angle



When Katie walks, this simple pair accompany her side,

When Katie runs unwearied they follow on the road,

When Katie kneels, their loving hands still clasp her pious knee —

Ah! Katie! Smile at Fortune, with two so knit to thee!


If Blake could do this when he rose up from shite

What might he not do if he sat down to write[4]


When Memory is full

Put on the perfect Lid —

This Morning's finest syllable

Presumptuous Evening said —
