We lose — because we win —

Gamblers — recollecting which

Toss their dice again!


We met as Sparks — Diverging Flints

Sent various — scattered ways —

We parted as the Central Flint

Were cloven with an Adze —

Subsisting on the Light We bore

Before We felt the Dark —

A Flint unto this Day...


We miss a Kinsman more

When warranted to see

Than when withheld of Oceans

From possibility

A Furlong than a League

Inflicts a pricklier pain,

Till We, who smiled at Pyrenees —

Of Parishes...


We miss Her, not because We see —

The Absence of an Eye —

Except its Mind accompany

Abridge Society

As slightly as the Routes of Stars —

Ourselves — asleep below —

We know that their superior Eyes...


We never know how high we are

Till we are asked to rise

And then if we are true to plan

Our statures touch the skies —

The Heroism we recite

Would be a normal thing

Did not ourselves the Cubits warp...


We pray — to Heaven —

We prate — of Heaven —

Relate — when Neighbors die —

At what o'clock to heaven — they fled —

Who saw them — Wherefore fly?

Is Heaven a Place — a Sky — a Tree?

Location's narrow...


We see — Comparatively —

The Thing so towering high

We could not grasp its segment

Unaided — Yesterday —

This Morning's finer Verdict —

Makes scarcely worth the toil —

A furrow — Our Cordillera —...


We send the Wave to find the Wave —

An Errand so divine,

The Messenger enamored too,

Forgetting to return,

We make the wise distinction still,

Soever made in vain,

The sagest time to dam the sea is when...


We should not mind so small a flower —

Except it quiet bring

Our little garden that we lost

Back to the Lawn again.

So spicy her Carnations nod —

So drunken, reel her Bees —

So silver steal a hundred...


We shun because we prize her Face

Lest sight's ineffable disgrace

Our Adoration stain
