I HAVE done one braver thing
Than all the Worthies did;

And yet a braver thence doth spring,
Which is, to keep that hid.


Unfulfilled to Observation —

Incomplete — to Eye —

But to Faith — a Revolution

In Locality —

Unto Us — the Suns extinguish —

To our Opposite —

New Horizons — they embellish —

Fronting Us...


Unit, like Death, for Whom?

True, like the Tomb,

Who tells no secret

Told to Him —

The Grave is strict —

Tickets admit

Just two — the Bearer —

And the Borne —

And seat — just One —...


Father of all! In every age,

In ev'ry clime ador'd,

By saint, by savage, and by sage,

Jehovah, Jove, or Lord!

Thou Great First...


'T was such a little, little boat

That toddled down the bay !

'T was such a gallant, gallant sea

That beckoned it away !

'T was such a greedy,...


           Make me no vows of constancy, dear friend,

           To love me, though I die, thy whole life long,

           And love no other till thy days shall end;

           Nay, it were rash and wrong.



Until the Desert knows

That Water grows

His Sands suffice

But let him once suspect

That Caspian Fact

Sahara dies

Utmost is relative —

Have not or Have

Adjacent sums


Unto a broken heart

No other one may go

Without the high prerogative

Itself hath suffered too.


Unto like Story — Trouble has enticed me —

How Kinsmen fell —

Brothers and Sister — who preferred the Glory —

And their young will

Bent to the Scaffold, or in Dungeons — chanted —

Till God's full time —



Unworthy of her Breast

Though by that scathing test

What Soul survive?

By her exacting light

How counterfeit the white

We chiefly have!
