They drift down the hall together;

       He smiles in her lifted eyes;

Like waves of that mighty river,

       The strains of the "Danube" rise.

They float on its rhythmic measure

       Like leaves on a summer...


Come, cuddle your head on my shoulder, dear,

Your head like the golden-rod,

And we will go sailing away from here

To the beautiful Land of Nod.

Away from life's hurry and flurry and worry,

Away from earth's shadows...


It is a common fate—a woman's lot—

      To waste on one the riches of her soul,

Who takes the wealth she gives him, but cannot

      Repay the interest, and much less the whole.

As I look up into your eyes and wait


I strolled last eve across the lonely down;

          One solitary picture struck my eye:

          A distant ploughboy stood against the sky—

How far he seemed above the noisy town!

Upon the bosom of a cloud the sod


On the white throat of the' useless passion

That scorched my soul with its burning breath

I clutched my fingers in murderous fashion,

And gathered them close in a grip of death;

For why should I fan, or feed with fuel,


Good-bye—yes, I am going.

        Sudden? Well, you are right;

But a startling truth came home to me

        With sudden force last night.

What is it? Shall I tell you?

        Nay, that is why I go.

I am...


I, at Eleusis, saw the finest sight,

         When early morning's banners were unfurled.

         From high Olympus, gazing on the world,

The ancient gods once saw it with delight.

Sad Demeter had in a single night


The meadow and the mountain with desire

Gazed on each other, till a fierce unrest

Surged 'neath the meadow's seemingly calm breast,

And all the mountain's fissures ran with fire.

A mighty river rolled between them there....


It seemeth such a little way to me

        Across to that strange country—the Beyond;

And yet, not strange, for it has grown to be

        The home of those of whom I am so fond,

They make it seem familiar and most dear,


The year has but one June, dear friend;

       The year has but one June;

And when that perfect month doth end,

The robin's song, though loud, though long,

       Seems never quite in tune.

The rose, though...
