• Why — do they shut Me out of Heaven?

    Did I sing — too loud?

    But — I can say a little "Minor"

    Timid as a Bird!

    Wouldn't the Angels try me —

    Just — once — more —

    Just — see — if I troubled them —

    But don't — shut the door!

    Oh, if I — were the Gentleman

    In the...

  • The murmur of a bee

    A witchcraft yieldeth me.

    If any ask me why,

    'T were easier to die

    Than tell.

    The red upon the hill

    Taketh away my will ;

    If anybody sneer,

    Take care, for God is here,

  • DEAL gently, thou whose hand hath won

         The young bird from its nest away,

    Where, careless,'neath a vernal sun,

         She gayly carolled day by day;

    The haunt is lone, the heart must grieve,

         From where her timid wing doth soar

    They pensive lisp at hush of eve,

         Yet hear her...

  • Wild Nights — Wild Nights!

    Were I with thee

    Wild Nights should be

    Our luxury!

    Futile — the Winds —

    To a Heart in port —

    Done with the Compass —

    Done with the Chart!

    Rowing in Eden —

    Ah, the Sea!

    Might I but moor — Tonight —

    In Thee...

  • This is the joy-inspiring day

    That gave these blessings to our lot

    Then let us share the social rites

    Join hands, all malice be forgot!

    This little star, once marked by none

    Now shines a bright - a BLAZING SUN!

  • Will there really be a "Morning"?

    Is there such a thing as "Day"?

    Could I see it from the mountains

    If I were as tall as they?

    Has it feet like Water lilies?

    Has it feathers like a Bird?

    Is it brought from famous countries

    Of which I have never heard?

    Oh some Scholar!...

  • BEFORE I sigh my last gasp, let me breathe,
    Great Love, some legacies; I here bequeath
    Mine eyes to Argus, if mine eyes can see;
    If they be...

  • William Cowper Esqre

    For this is being a Friend just in the nick

    Not when hes well but waiting till hes sick

    He calls you to his help be you not movd

    Untill by being Sick his wants are provd


  • O Willie brew'd a peck o' maut,

    And Rob and Allen cam to see;

    Three blyther hearts, that lee-lang night,

    Ye wadna found in Christendie.

    Chorus.-We are na fou, we're nae that fou,

    But just a drappie in our ee;

    The cock may craw, the day may daw

    And aye we'll taste the barley bree...

  • There came a whisper down the Bland between the dawn and dark,

    Above the tossing of the pines, above the river's flow;

    It stirred the boughs of giant gums and stalwart ironbark;

    It drifted where the wild ducks played amid the swamps below;

    It brought a breath of mountain air from off the hills of pine,

    A scent of...