• Who is it seeks my Pillow Nights —

    With plain inspecting face —

    "Did you" or "Did you not," to ask —

    'Tis "Conscience" — Childhood's Nurse —

    With Martial Hand she strokes the Hair

    Upon my wincing Head —

    "All" Rogues "shall have their part in" what —

    The Phosphorous of God —

  • Why, oh why was Kater lifted

    From the darkness, where he drifted

    All unknown, and raised to honour,

    Side by side with Dick O'connor,

    In the Council, free from row?

    Who is Kater, anyhow?

    Did he lend our armies rally,

    Like the recent Billy Dalley?

    Did he lend a Premier money,...

  • Who is the East?

    The Yellow Man

    Who may be Purple if He can

    That carries in the Sun.

    Who is the West?

    The Purple Man

    Who may be Yellow if He can

    That lets Him out again.

  • Who never lost, are unprepared

    A Coronet to find!

    Who never thirsted

    Flagons, and Cooling Tamarind!

    Who never climbed the weary league —

    Can such a foot explore

    The purple territories

    On Pizarro's shore?

    How many Legions overcome —

    The Emperor will say?...

  • Who never wanted — maddest Joy

    Remains to him unknown —

    The Banquet of Abstemiousness

    Defaces that of Wine —

    Within its reach, though yet ungrasped

    Desire's perfect Goal —

    No nearer — lest the Actual —

    Should disentrall thy soul —

  • Who occupies this House?

    A Stranger I must judge

    Since No one know His Circumstance —

    'Tis well the name and age

    Are writ upon the Door

    Or I should fear to pause

    Where not so much as Honest Dog

    Approach encourages.

    It seems a curious Town —

    Some Houses very...

  • Who saw no Sunrise cannot say

    The Countenance 'twould be.

    Who guess at seeing, guess at loss

    Of the Ability.

    The Emigrant of Light, it is

    Afflicted for the Day.

    The Blindness that beheld and blest —

    And could not find its Eye.

  • Who were "the Father and the Son"

    We pondered when a child,

    And what had they to do with us

    And when portentous told

    With inference appalling

    By Childhood fortified

    We thought, at least they are no worse

    Than they have been described.

    Who are "the Father and the Son"...

  • Whoever disenchants

    A single Human soul

    By failure of irreverence

    Is guilty of the whole.

    As guileless as a Bird

    As graphic as a star

    Till the suggestion sinister

    Things are not what they are —