• While Asters —

    On the Hill —

    Their Everlasting fashions — set —

    And Covenant Gentians — Frill!

  • While it is alive

    Until Death touches it

    While it and I lap one Air

    Dwell in one Blood

    Under one Sacrament

    Show me Division can split or pare —

    Love is like Life — merely longer

    Love is like Death, during the Grave

    Love is the Fellow of the Resurrection


  • While we were fearing it, it came —

    But came with less of fear

    Because that fearing it so long

    Had almost made it fair —

    There is a Fitting — a Dismay —

    A Fitting — a Despair

    'Tis harder knowing it is Due

    Than knowing it is Here.

    They Trying on the Utmost


  • White as an Indian Pipe

    Red as a Cardinal Flower

    Fabulous as a Moon at Noon

    February Hour —

  • Who abdicated Ambush

    And went the way of Dusk,

    And now against his subtle Name

    There stands an Asterisk

    As confident of him as we —

    Impregnable we are —

    The whole of Immortality

    Secreted in a Star.

  • Who Court obtain within Himself

    Sees every Man a King —

    And Poverty of Monarchy

    Is an interior thing —

    No Man depose

    Whom Fate Ordain —

    And Who can add a Crown

    To Him who doth continual

    Conspire against His Own

  • Who Giants know, with lesser Men

    Are incomplete, and shy —

    For Greatness, that is ill at ease

    In minor Company —

    A Smaller, could not be perturbed —

    The Summer Gnat displays —

    Unconscious that his single Fleet

    Do not comprise the skies —

  • Who goes to dine must take his Feast

    Or find the Banquet mean —

    The Table is not laid without

    Till it is laid within.

    For Pattern is the Mind bestowed

    That imitating her

    Our most ignoble Services

    Exhibit worthier.

  • Who has not found the Heaven — below —

    Will fail of it above —

    For Angels rent the House next ours,

    Wherever we remove —