• Where every bird is bold to go

    And bees abashless play,

    The foreigner before he knocks

    Must thrust the tears away.

  • Where I have lost, I softer tread —

    I sow sweet flower from garden bed —

    I pause above that vanished head

    And mourn.

    Whom I have lost, I pious guard

    From accent harsh, or ruthless word —

    Feeling as if their pillow heard,

    Though stone!

    When I have lost, you'll know by...

  • Where Roses would not dare to go,

    What Heart would risk the way —

    And so I send my Crimson Scouts

    To sound the Enemy —

  • Where Ships of Purple — gently toss —

    On Seas of Daffodil —

    Fantastic Sailors — mingle —

    And then — the Wharf is still!

  • Where Thou art — that — is Home —

    Cashmere — or Calvary — the same —

    Degree — or Shame —

    I scarce esteem Location's Name —

    So I may Come —

    What Thou dost — is Delight —

    Bondage as Play — be sweet —

    Imprisonment — Content —

    And Sentence — Sacrament —

    Just We two...

  • Whether my bark went down at sea,

    Whether she met with gales,

    Whether to isles enchanted

    She bent her docile sails ;

    By what mystic mooring

    She is held to-day, —

    This is the errand of the eye

    Out upon the...

  • Whether they have forgotten

    Or are forgetting now

    Or never remembered —

    Safer not to know —

    Miseries of conjecture

    Are a softer woe

    Than a Fact of Iron

    Hardened with I know —

  • Which is best? Heaven —

    Or only Heaven to come

    With that old Codicil of Doubt?

    I cannot help esteem

    The "Bird within the Hand"

    Superior to the one

    The "Bush" may yield me

    Or may not

    Too late to choose again.

  • Which is the best — the Moon or the Crescent?

    Neither — said the Moon —

    That is best which is not — Achieve it —

    You efface the Sheen.

    Not of detention is Fruition —

    Shudder to attain.

    Transport's decomposition follows —

    He is Prism born.

  • Which misses most,

    The hand that tends,

    Or heart so gently borne,

    'Tis twice as heavy as it was

    Because the hand is gone?

    Which blesses most,

    The lip that can,

    Or that that went to sleep

    With "if I could" endeavoring

    Without the strength to shape?
