• When One has given up One's life

    The parting with the rest

    Feels easy, as when Day lets go

    Entirely the West

    The Peaks, that lingered last

    Remain in Her regret

    As scarcely as the Iodine

    Upon the Cataract.

  • When Roses cease to bloom, Sir,

    And Violets are done —

    When Bumblebees in solemn flight

    Have passed beyond the Sun —

    The hand that paused to gather

    Upon this Summer's day

    Will idle lie — in Auburn —

    Then take my flowers — pray!

  • When the Astronomer stops seeking

    For his Pleiad's Face —

    When the lone British Lady

    Forsakes the Arctic Race

    When to his Covenant Needle

    The Sailor doubting turns —

    It will be amply early

    To ask what treason means.

  •  * * *

    When the voices of children are heard on the green,

    And whisperings are in the dale,

    The [desires del.] days of my youth rise fresh in my mind,

    My face turns green & pale.

    Then come home, my children, the sun is gone down

    And the dews of night arise;

  • When they come back — if Blossoms do —

    I always feel a doubt

    If Blossoms can be born again

    When once the Art is out —

    When they begin, if Robins may,

    I always had a fear

    I did not tell, it was their last Experiment

    Last Year,

    When it is May, if May return,


  • When we have ceased to care

    The Gift is given

    For which we gave the Earth

    And mortgaged Heaven

    But so declined in worth

    'Tis ignominy now

    To look upon —

  • When we stand on the tops of Things —

    And like the Trees, look down —

    The smoke all cleared away from it —

    And Mirrors on the scene —

    Just laying light — no soul will wink

    Except it have the flaw —

    The Sound ones, like the Hills — shall stand —

    No Lighting, scares away —


    * * *

    When you look at a picture you always can see

    If a Man of Sense has Painted he

    Then never flinch but keep up a Jaw

    About freedom & jenny suck awa'[4]

  • Where bells no more affright the morn —

    Where scrabble never comes —

    Where very nimble Gentlemen

    Are forced to keep their rooms —

    Where tired Children placid sleep

    Thro' Centuries of noon

    This place is Bliss — this town is Heaven —

    Please, Pater, pretty soon!

    "Oh could...