• We like March.

    His Shoes are Purple —

    He is new and high —

    Makes he Mud for Dog and Peddler.

    Makes he Forests dry.

    Knows the Adder Tongue his coming

    And presents her Spot —

    Stands the Sun so close and mighty

    That our Minds are hot.

    News is he of all the others —...

  • We lose — because we win —

    Gamblers — recollecting which

    Toss their dice again!

  • We met as Sparks — Diverging Flints

    Sent various — scattered ways —

    We parted as the Central Flint

    Were cloven with an Adze —

    Subsisting on the Light We bore

    Before We felt the Dark —

    A Flint unto this Day — perhaps —

    But for that single Spark.

  • We miss a Kinsman more

    When warranted to see

    Than when withheld of Oceans

    From possibility

    A Furlong than a League

    Inflicts a pricklier pain,

    Till We, who smiled at Pyrenees —

    Of Parishes, complain.

  • We miss Her, not because We see —

    The Absence of an Eye —

    Except its Mind accompany

    Abridge Society

    As slightly as the Routes of Stars —

    Ourselves — asleep below —

    We know that their superior Eyes

    Include Us — as they go —

  • We never know how high we are

    Till we are asked to rise

    And then if we are true to plan

    Our statures touch the skies —

    The Heroism we recite

    Would be a normal thing

    Did not ourselves the Cubits warp

    For fear to be a King —

  • We never know we go when we are going —

    We jest and shut the Door —

    Fate — following — behind us bolts it —

    And we accost no more —

  • We outgrow love, like other things

    And put it in the Drawer —

    Till it an Antique fashion shows —

    Like Costumes Grandsires wore.

  • We play at Paste —

    Till qualified, for Pearl —

    Then, drop the Paste —

    And deem ourself a fool —

    The Shapes — though — were similar —

    And our new Hands

    Learned Gem-Tactics —

    Practicing Sands —

  • We pray — to Heaven —

    We prate — of Heaven —

    Relate — when Neighbors die —

    At what o'clock to heaven — they fled —

    Who saw them — Wherefore fly?

    Is Heaven a Place — a Sky — a Tree?

    Location's narrow way is for Ourselves —

    Unto the Dead

    There's no Geography —
