• To try to speak, and miss the way

    And ask it of the Tears,

    Is Gratitude's sweet poverty,

    The Tatters that he wears —

    A better Coat if he possessed

    Would help him to conceal,

    Not subjugate, the Mutineer

    Whose title is "the Soul."

  • To undertake is to achieve

    Be Undertaking blent

    With fortitude of obstacle

    And toward encouragement

    That fine Suspicion, Natures must

    Permitted to revere

    Departed Standards and the few

    Criterion Sources here

  • To venerate the simple days

    Which lead the seasons by,

    Needs but to remember

    That from you or I,

    They may take the trifle

    Termed mortality!

  • To Venetian Artists

  • To wait an Hour — is long —

    If Love be just beyond —

    To wait Eternity — is short —

    If Love reward the end —

  • To Whom the Mornings stand for Nights,

    What must the Midnights — be!

  • The bowers whereat, in dreams, I see

        The wantonest singing birds,

    Are lips — and all thy melody

        Of lip-begotten words —

    Thine eyes, in Heaven of heart enshrined

        Then desolately fall,

    O God! on my funereal mind

        Like starlight on a pall —


  • I keep in mind that magic moment:

    When you appeared before my eyes

    Like ghost, like fleeting apparition,

    Like genius of the purest grace.

    In torturous hopeless melancholy,

    In vanity and noisy fuss

    I’ve always heard your tender voice

    I saw your features in my dreams.


  • Today or this noon

    She dwelt so close

    I almost touched her —

    Tonight she lies

    Past neighborhood

    And bough and steeple,

    Now past surmise.

  • SEND me some tokens, that my hope may live
    Or that my easeless thoughts may sleep and rest;

    Send me some honey, to make sweet my hive,
    That in my passions I may hope the best.

    I beg nor ribbon wrought with thine own...