• To the bright east she flies,

    Brothers of Paradise

    Remit her home,

    Without a change of wings,

    Or Love's convenient things,

    Enticed to come.

    Fashioning what she is,

    Fathoming what she was,

    We deem we dream —

    And that dissolves the days

    Through which...

  •             Plant of a hundred years! destroying Time

                Passes thy gentle race with hurrying trend,

                Leaves their bright petals colorless and dim,

                Strews with their withered leaves the mossy bed,

                And sweeps them onward with the countless dead,

                Ere the swift...

  •    TAKE your candles away, let your music be mute,

    My dancing, however, you shall not dispute;
    Jenny's eyes shall find light, and I'll find a flute.

  •        "The Prophets, do they live forever?" -- Zech. I. 5.


                Those spirits God ordained,

            To stand the watchmen on the outer wall,

            Upon whose souls the beams of truth first fall;

                They who reveal the ideal, the unattained,

            And to their age, in stirring tones...

  • WHENCE is it, that amaz'd I hear

       From yonder wither'd spray,

    This foremost morn of all the year,

       The melody of May?

    And why, since thousands would be proud

       Of such a favour shown,

    Am I selected from the crowd,

       To witness it alone?

    Sing'st thou, sweet...

  •    SIR,

       WHILE at the helm of state you ride,

    Our nation's envy, and its pride;

    While foreign courts with wonder gaze,

    And curse those councils which they praise;

    Would you not wonder, sir, to view

    Your bard a greater man than you?

    Which that he is, you cannot doubt,


  • To the Royal Academy

    A strange Erratum in all the Editions

    Of Sir Joshua Reynoldss Lectures

    Shou[l]d be corrected by the Young Gentlemen

    And the Royal Academys Directors
    5 Instead of Michael Angelo...

  •           Thy patron, good St. Valentine,

                 Who lived so long ago,

              Watched only over happy hearts,

                 As all true lovers know.

              But thou, born on his natal day,

                 A truer saint I find;

              While he alone the happy loved,


  • Dear Sir, when late in town you chose

    To correspond no more in prose,

    My viscious muse---(but 'tis in vain

    Of her abuses to complain)---

    Neglects to aid, as I expected,

    And so I must be self-directed.

    You've broke th' agreement, Sir, I find;

    (Excuse me, I must speak my mind...

  • From plains and peaceful cots I send

    The humble wishes of a friend:

    May love still spread his silken wing,

    And life to you be ever spring:

    May virtue guide you with her clue,

    Life's mazy path to wander thro';

    And may your offspring the blest tract pursue:

    On you may Heav'n...