• Farewell! my fragile, flower-filled book!

       I fling thee on the stream of Time,

    With faltering hand and fearful soul,--

       As in the Orient's sunny clime,

    The maiden trims her fragrant lamp,

       A tiny, faint, but Love-fed spark,

    And trembling gives to doubtful waves,

       Illumed and wreathed...

  •            Oh, Time! deal gently with my friend,

                  Who gently deals with all;

               And on his loved and honored head

                  Let blessings only fall

               In love to God, and love to man,

                  His days pass here below;

               And so, to reach the home above...

  •           He who has walked among his fellow-men

              This life's rough path for threescore years and ten,

              Bearing for others, on the weary way,

              The heat and burden of the toilsome day;

              Sounding the silvery notes of faith and hope

              Whene'er the weak or the despairing droop...

  • To my quick ear the Leaves — conferred —

    The Bushes — they were Bells —

    I could not find a Privacy

    From Nature's sentinels —

    In Cave if I presumed to hide

    The Walls — begun to tell —

    Creation seemed a mighty Crack —

    To make me visible —

  • To my small Hearth His fire came —

    And all my House aglow

    Did fan and rock, with sudden light —

    'Twas Sunrise — 'twas the Sky —

    Impanelled from no Summer brief —

    With limit of Decay —

    'Twas Noon — without the News of Night —

    Nay, Nature, it was Day —

  • To Nancy F——

    How can I help thy Husbands copying Me

    Should that make difference twixt me & Thee

  •           Now has the spring her treasures all unbound,

                 The earth has put her wedding-garment on,

              And, robed in light, with flowers and verdure crowned,

                 Comes forth in joy to meet the bridegroom sun.

              Thou, too, in thy young life's first bloom and pride,

  • To offer brave assistance

    To Lives that stand alone —

    When One has failed to stop them —

    Is Human — but Divine

    To lend an Ample Sinew

    Unto a Nameless Man —

    Whose Homely Benediction

    No other — stopped to earn —

  • To One denied the drink

    To tell what Water is

    Would be acuter, would it not

    Than letting Him surmise?

    To lead Him to the Well

    And let Him hear it drip

    Remind Him, would it not, somewhat

    Of His condemned lip?