• The Moon upon her fluent Route

    Defiant of a Road —

    The Star's Etruscan Argument

    Substantiate a God —

    If Aims impel these Astral Ones

    The ones allowed to know

    Know that which makes them as forgot

    As Dawn forgets them — now —

  • The Moon was but a Chin of Gold

    A Night or two ago —

    And now she turns Her perfect Face

    Upon the World below —

    Her Forehead is of Amplest Blonde —

    Her Cheek — a Beryl hewn —

    Her Eye unto the Summer Dew

    The likest I have known —

    Her Lips of Amber never part —

  • The Morning after Woe —

    'Tis frequently the Way —

    Surpasses all that rose before —

    For utter Jubilee —

    As Nature did not care —

    And piled her Blossoms on —

    And further to parade a Joy

    Her Victim stared upon —

    The Birds declaim their Tunes —


  • The morns are meeker than they were —

    The nuts are getting brown —

    The berry's cheek is plumper —

    The Rose is out of town.

    The Maple wears a gayer scarf —

    The field a scarlet gown —

    Lest I should be old fashioned

    I'll put a trinket on.

  • The most important population

    Unnoticed dwell,

    They have a heaven each instant

    Not any hell.

    Their names, unless you know them,

    'Twere useless tell.

    Of bumble-bees and other nations

    The grass is full.

  • The most pathetic thing I do

    Is play I hear from you —

    I make believe until my Heart

    Almost believes it too

    But when I break it with the news

    You knew it was not true

    I wish I had not broken it —

    Goliah — so would you —

  • The most triumphant Bird I ever knew or met

    Embarked upon a twig today

    And till Dominion set

    I famish to behold so eminent a sight

    And sang for nothing scrutable

    But intimate Delight.

    Retired, and resumed his transitive Estate —

    To what delicious Accident

    Does finest Glory fit!...

  • The mountain sat upon the plain

    In his eternal chair,

    His observation omnifold,

    His inquest everywhere.

    The seasons prayed...

  • The Mountain sat upon the Plain

    In his tremendous Chair —

    His observation omnifold,

    His inquest, everywhere —

    The Seasons played around his knees

    Like Children round a sire —

    Grandfather of the Days is He

    Of Dawn, the Ancestor —

  • The Mountains stood in Haze —

    The Valleys stopped below

    And went or waited as they liked

    The River and the Sky.

    At leisure was the Sun —

    His interests of Fire

    A little from remark withdrawn —

    The Twilight spoke the Spire,

    So soft upon the Scene

    The Act of...