• The Heart is the Capital of the Mind —

    The Mind is a single State —

    The Heart and the Mind together make

    A single Continent —

    One — is the Population —

    Numerous enough —

    This ecstatic Nation

    Seek — it is Yourself.

  • The Heaven vests for Each

    In that small Deity

    It craved the grace to worship

    Some bashful Summer's Day —

    Half shrinking from the Glory

    It importuned to see

    Till these faint Tabernacles drop

    In full Eternity —

    How imminent the Venture —

    As one should sue a...

  • To satin races he is nought;

    But children on the Don

    Beneath his tabernacles play,

    And Dnieper wrestlers run.

  • The Hills erect their Purple Heads

    The Rivers lean to see

    Yet Man has not of all the Throng

    A Curiosity.

  • The Hills in Purple syllables

    The Day's Adventures tell

    To little Groups of Continents

    Just going Home from School.

  • The Hollows round His eager Eyes

    Were Pages where to read

    Pathetic Histories — although

    Himself had not complained.

    Biography to All who passed

    Of Unobtrusive Pain

    Except for the italic Face

    Endured, unhelped — unknown.

  • The immortality she gave

    We borrowed at her Grave —

    For just one Plaudit famishing,

    The Might of Human love —

  • The incidents of love

    Are more than its Events —

    Investment's best Expositor

    Is the minute Per Cents —