• The duties of the Wind are few,

    To cast the ships, at Sea,

    Establish March, the Floods escort,

    And usher Liberty.

    The pleasures of the Wind are broad,

    To dwell Extent among,

    Remain, or wander,

    Speculate, or Forests entertain.

    The kinsmen of the Wind are Peaks

  • The Dying need but little, Dear,

    A Glass of Water's all,

    A Flower's unobtrusive Face

    To punctuate the Wall,

    A Fan, perhaps, a Friend's Regret

    And Certainty that one

    No color in the Rainbow

    Perceive, when you are gone.

  • The ecstasy to guess

    Were a receipted bliss

    If grace could talk.

  • The event was directly behind Him

    Yet He did not guess

    Fitted itself to Himself like a Robe

    Relished His ignorance.

    Motioned itself to drill

    Loaded and Levelled

    And let His Flesh

    Centuries from His soul.

  • The face I carry with me — last —

    When I go out of Time —

    To take my Rank — by — in the West —

    That face — will just be thine —

    I'll hand it to the Angel —

    That — Sir — was my Degree —

    In Kingdoms — you have heard the Raised —

    Refer to — possibly.

    He'll take it — scan...

  • The Face in evanescence lain

    Is more distinct than ours —

    And ours surrendered for its sake

    As Capsules are for Flower's —

    Or is it the confiding sheen

    Dissenting to enamor us

    Of Detriment divine?

  • The Face we choose to miss —

    Be it but for a Day

    As absent as a Hundred Years,

    When it has rode away.

  • The Fact that Earth is Heaven —

    Whether Heaven is Heaven or not

    If not an Affidavit

    Of that specific Spot

    Not only must confirm us

    That it is not for us

    But that it would affront us

    To dwell in such a place —

  • The fairest Home I ever knew

    Was founded in an Hour

    By Parties also that I knew

    A spider and a Flower —

    A manse of mechlin and of Floes —