• The Definition of Beauty is

    That Definition is none —

    Of Heaven, easing Analysis,

    Since Heaven and He are one.

  • Uprose the King of Men with speed,

    And saddled straight his coal-black steed;

    Down the yawning steep he rode,

    That leads to Hela's drear abode.

    Him the dog of darkness spied,

    His shaggy throat he opened wide,

    While from his jaws, with carnage filled,

    Foam and human gore distilled:

  • The Devil — had he fidelity

    Would be the best friend —

    Because he has ability —

    But Devils cannot mend —

    Perfidy is the virtue

    That would but he resign

    The Devil — without question

    Were thoroughly divine

  • The difference between Despair

    And Fear — is like the One

    Between the instant of a Wreck

    And when the Wreck has been —

    The Mind is smooth — no Motion —

    Contented as the Eye

    Upon the Forehead of a Bust —

    That knows — it cannot see —

  • The distance that the dead have gone

    Does not at first appear —

    Their coming back seems possible

    For many an ardent year.

    And then, that we have followed them,

    We more than half suspect,

    So intimate have we become

    With their dear retrospect.

  •    I SING of a journey to Clifton

         We would have perform'd if we could,

       Without cart or barrow to lift on

         Poor Mary and me thro' the mud.

             Sle sla slud,

             Stuck in the mud;

    Oh it is pretty to wade through a flood!

       So away we went, slipping and sliding,...

  • The Ditch is dear to the Drunken man

    For is it not his Bed —

    His Advocate — his Edifice?

    How safe his fallen Head

    In her disheveled Sanctity —

    Above him is the sky —

    Oblivion bending over him

    And Honor leagues away.

  • The Doomed — regard the Sunrise

    With different Delight —

    Because — when next it burns abroad

    They doubt to witness it —

    The Man — to die — tomorrow —

    Harks for the Meadow Bird —

    Because its Music stirs the Axe

    That clamors for his head —

    Joyful — to whom the Sunrise...

  • The Drop, that wrestles in the Sea —

    Forgets her own locality —

    As I — toward Thee —

    She knows herself an incense small —

    Yet small — she sighs — if All — is All —

    How larger — be?

    The Ocean — smiles — at her Conceit —

    But she, forgetting Amphitrite —

    Pleads — "Me"?...

  • The Dust behind I strove to join

    Unto the Disk before —

    But Sequence ravelled out of Sound

    Like Balls upon a Floor —