• The Battle fought between the Soul

    And No Man — is the One

    Of all the Battles prevalent —

    By far the Greater One —

    No News of it is had abroad —

    Its Bodiless Campaign

    Establishes, and terminates —

    Invisible — Unknown —

    Nor History — record it —

    As Legions...

  • Like trains of cars on tracks of plush

    I hear the level bee :

    A jar across the flowers goes,

    Their velvet masonry

    Withstands until the sweet assault

    Their chivalry consumes,

    While he, victorious, tilts away


  • The bee is not afraid of me,

    I know the butterfly ;

    The pretty people in the woods

    Receive me cordially.

    The brooks laugh louder when I come,

    The breezes madder play.

    Wherefore, mine eyes, thy silver mists ?

  • The Beggar at the Door for Fame

    Were easily supplied

    But Bread is that Diviner thing

    Disclosed to be denied

  • The Beggar Lad — dies early —

    It's Somewhat in the Cold —

    And Somewhat in the Trudging feet —

    And haply, in the World —

    The Cruel — smiling — bowing World —

    That took its Cambric Way —

    Nor heard the timid cry for "Bread" —

    "Sweet Lady — Charity" —

    Among Redeemed...

  • I.

       WHILE cruel to your wishing slave,

    You still refuse the boon I crave,

    Confess, what joy that precious pearl

    Conveys to thee, my lovely girl?


       Dost thou not act the miser's part,

    Who with an aching, lab'ring heart,

    Counts the dull joyless shining...

  • The Bible is an antique Volume —

    Written by faded men

    At the suggestion of Holy Spectres —

    Subjects — Bethlehem —

    Eden — the ancient Homestead —

    Satan — the Brigadier —

    Judas — the Great Defaulter —

    David — the Troubador —

    Sin — a distinguished Precipice

    Others must...

  • The Bird did prance — the Bee did play —

    The Sun ran miles away

    So blind with joy he could not choose

    Between his Holiday

    The morn was up — the meadows out

    The Fences all but ran,

    Republic of Delight, I thought

    Where each is Citizen —

    From Heavy laden Lands to thee...

  • The Bird her punctual music brings

    And lays it in its place —

    Its place is in the Human Heart

    And in the Heavenly Grace —

    What respite from her thrilling toil

    Did Beauty ever take —

    But Work might be electric Rest

    To those that Magic make —

  • The Bird must sing to earn the Crumb

    What merit have the Tune

    No Breakfast if it guaranty

    The Rose content may bloom

    To gain renown of Lady's Drawer

    But if the Lady come

    But once a Century, the Rose

    Superfluous become —