• BUSY old fool, unruly Sun,
    Why dost thou thus,

    Through windows, and through curtains, call on us?

    Must to thy motions lovers' seasons run?
    Saucy pedantic wretch, go chide...

  • Sunset at Night — is natural —

    But Sunset on the Dawn

    Reverses Nature — Master —

    So Midnight's — due — at Noon.

    Eclipses be — predicted —

    And Science bows them in —

    But do one face us suddenly —

    Jehovah's Watch — is wrong.

  • Sunset that screens, reveals —

    Enhancing what we see

    By menaces of Amethyst

    And Moats of Mystery.

  • Superfluous were the Sun

    When Excellence be dead

    He were superfluous every Day

    For every Day be said

    That syllable whose Faith

    Just saves it from Despair

    And whose "I'll meet You" hesitates

    If Love inquire "Where"?

    Upon His dateless Fame

    Our Periods may lie...

  • Superiority to Fate

    Is difficult to gain

    'Tis not conferred of Any

    But possible to earn

    A pittance at a time

    Until to Her surprise

    The Soul with strict economy

    Subsist till Paradise.

  • Surgeons must be very careful

    When they take the knife!

    Underneath their fine incisions

    Stirs the Culprit — Life!

  • Surprise is like a thrilling — pungent —

    Upon a tasteless meat

    Alone — too acrid — but combined

    An edible Delight.

  • Doubt me, my dim companion !

    Why, God would be content

    With but a fraction of the love

    Poured thee without a stint.

    The whole of me, forever,

    What more the woman can, —

    Say quick, that I may dower thee

    With last...

  • Elysium is as far as to

    The very nearest room,

    If in that room a friend await

    Felicity or doom.

    What fortitude the soul contains,

    That it can so endure

    The accent of a coming foot,

    The opening of a door !...

  • Suspense — is Hostiler than Death —

    Death — tho'soever Broad,

    Is Just Death, and cannot increase —

    Suspense — does not conclude —

    But perishes — to live anew —

    But just anew to die —

    Annihilation — plated fresh

    With Immortality —