• Summer begins to have the look

    Peruser of enchanting Book

    Reluctantly but sure perceives

    A gain upon the backward leaves —

    Autumn begins to be inferred

    By millinery of the cloud

    Or deeper color in the shawl

    That wraps the everlasting hill.

    The eye begins its avarice...

  • Summer for thee, grant I may be

    When Summer days are flown!

    Thy music still, when Whipporwill

    And Oriole — are done!

    For thee to bloom, I'll skip the tomb

    And row my blossoms o'er!

    Pray gather me —

    Anemone —

    Thy flower — forevermore!

  • Summer has two Beginnings —

    Beginning once in June —

    Beginning in October

    Affectingly again —

    Without, perhaps, the Riot

    But graphicker for Grace —

    As finer is a going

    Than a remaining Face —

    Departing then — forever —

    Forever — until May —


  •           The city is dreary and dusty and lone,

              The Smiths and the Joneses and Jenkinses gone;

              The doors are all barred, and the shutters all down,

              And nobody left in this desolate town---

              Save the sweeper who wearily loiters and lags,

              The ashman, and he who cries "...

  • Summer is shorter than any one —

    Life is shorter than Summer —

    Seventy Years is spent as quick

    As an only Dollar —

    Sorrow — now — is polite — and stays —

    See how well we spurn him —

    Equally to abhor Delight —

    Equally retain him —

  • Summer laid her simple Hat

    On its boundless Shelf —

    Unobserved — a Ribbon slipt,

    Snatch it for yourself.

    Summer laid her supple Glove

    In its sylvan Drawer —

    Wheresoe'er, or was she —

    The demand of Awe?

  • A drop fell on the apple tree,

    Another on the roof ;

    A half a dozen kissed the eaves,

    And made the gables laugh.

    A few went out to help the brook,

    That went to help the sea.

    Myself conjectured, Were they pearls,

  • Summer — we all have seen —

    A few of us — believed —

    A few — the more aspiring

    Unquestionably loved —

    But Summer does not care —

    She goes her spacious way

    As eligible as the moon

    To our Temerity —

    The Doom to be adored —

    The Affluence conferred —

  • On fence and roof and twig.

    The orchis binds her feather on

    For her old love, Don the Sun,

    Revisiting the bog !

    Without commander, countless, still,

    The regiment of wood and hill

    In bright detachment stand.

    Behold !  Whose multitudes are these ?

    The children of whose...