• Some Rainbow — coming from the Fair!

    Some Vision of the World Cashmere —

    I confidently see!

    Or else a Peacock's purple Train

    Feather by feather — on the plain

    Fritters itself away!

    The dreamy Butterflies bestir!

    Lethargic pools resume the whir

    Of last year's sundered tune!...

  • Some say goodnight — at night —

    I say goodnight by day —

    Good-bye — the Going utter me —

    Goodnight, I still reply —

    For parting, that is night,

    And presence, simply dawn —

    Itself, the purple on the height

    Denominated morn.

  • Some such Butterfly be seen

    On Brazilian Pampas —

    Just at noon — no later — Sweet —

    Then — the License closes —

    Some such Spice — express and pass —

    Subject to Your Plucking —

    As the Stars — You knew last Night —

    Foreigners — This Morning —

  • Some things that fly there be —

    Birds — Hours — the Bumblebee —

    Of these no Elegy.

    Some things that stay there be —

    Grief — Hills — Eternity —

    Nor this behooveth me.

    There are that resting, rise.

    Can I expound the skies?

    How still the Riddle lies!

  • Some we see no more, Tenements of Wonder

    Occupy to us though perhaps to them

    Simpler are the Days than the Supposition

    Leave us to presume

    That oblique Belief which we call Conjecture

    Grapples with a Theme stubborn as Sublime

    Able as the Dust to equip its feature

    Adequate as Drums...

  • Some Wretched creature, savior take

    Who would exult to die

    And leave for thy sweet mercy's sake

    Another Hour to me

  • Some — Work for Immortality —

    The Chiefer part, for Time —

    He — Compensates — immediately —

    The former — Checks — on Fame —

    Slow Gold — but Everlasting —

    The Bullion of Today —

    Contrasted with the Currency

    Of Immortality —

    A Beggar — Here and There —


  • Some, too fragile for winter winds

    The thoughtful grave encloses —

    Tenderly tucking them in from frost

    Before their feet are cold.

    Never the treasures in her nest

    The cautious grave exposes,

    Building where schoolboy dare not look,

    And sportsman is not bold.

    This covert...

  • Somehow myself survived the Night

    And entered with the Day —

    That it be saved the Saved suffice

    Without the Formula.

    Henceforth I take my living place

    As one commuted led —

    A Candidate for Morning Chance

    But dated with the Dead.

  • Sometimes with the Heart

    Seldom with the Soul

    Scarcer once with the Might

    Few — love at all.