• Soft as the massacre of Suns

    By Evening's Sabres slain

  • Softened by Time's consummate plush,

    How sleek the woe appears

    That threatened childhood's citadel

    And undermined the years.

    Bisected now, by bleaker griefs,

    We envy the despair

    That devastated childhood's realm,

    So easy to repair.

  • Soil of Flint, if steady tilled —

    Will refund by Hand —

    Seed of Palm, by Libyan Sun

    Fructified in Sand —

  •     Happy the man, whose wish and care

        A few paternal acres bound,

        Content to breathe his native air

                    In his own ground.

        Whose herds with milk, whose fields with bread,

        Whose flocks supply him with attire;

        Whose trees in summer yield him shade,

  • Some Arrows slay but whom they strike —

    But this slew all but him —

    Who so appareled his Escape —

    Too trackless for a Tomb —

  • Some Days retired from the rest

    In soft distinction lie

    The Day that a Companion came

    Or was obliged to die

  • Some keep the Sabbath going to Church —

    I keep it, staying at Home —

    With a Bobolink for a Chorister —

    And an Orchard, for a Dome —

    Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice —

    I just wear my Wings —

    And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,

    Our little Sexton — sings.


  • * * *

    Some Men created for destruction come

    Into the World & make the World their home

    Be they as Vile & Base as Eer they can

    Theyll still be called 'The Worlds' honest man

  • Some one prepared this mighty show

    To which without a Ticket go

    The nations and the Days —

    Displayed before the simplest Door

    That all may witness it and more,

    The pomp of summer Days.

  • *

    Some people admire the work of a Fool

    For its sure to keep your judgment cool

    It does not reproach you with want of wit

    It is not like a lawyer serving a writ