• So has a Daisy vanished

    From the fields today —

    So tiptoed many a slipper

    To Paradise away —

    Oozed so in crimson bubbles

    Day's departing tide —

    Blooming — tripping — flowing

    Are ye then with God?

  • So I pull my Stockings off

    Wading in the Water

    For the Disobedience' Sake

    Boy that lived for "or'ter"

    Went to Heaven perhaps at Death

    And perhaps he didn't

    Moses wasn't fairly used —

    Ananias wasn't —

  • So large my Will

    The little that I may


    Like gentle infamy —

    Affront to Him

    For whom the Whole were small

    Affront to me

    Who know His Meed of all.

    Earth at the best

    Is but a scanty Toy —

    Bought, carried Home

    To Immortality...

  • So much of Heaven has gone from Earth

    That there must be a Heaven

    If only to enclose the Saints

    To Affidavit given.

    The Missionary to the Mole

    Must prove there is a Sky

    Location doubtless he would plead

    But what excuse have I?

    Too much of Proof affronts Belief

  • So much Summer

    Me for showing

    Illegitimate —

    Would a Smile's minute bestowing

    Too exorbitant

    To the Lady

    With the Guinea

    Look — if She should know

    Crumb of Mine

    A Robin's Larder

    Would suffice to stow —

  • So proud she was to die

    It made us all ashamed

    That what we cherished, so unknown

    To her desire seemed —

    So satisfied to go

    Where none of us should be

    Immediately — that Anguish stooped

    Almost to Jealousy —

  • So set its Sun in Thee

    What Day be dark to me —

    What Distance — far —

    So I the Ships may see

    That touch — how seldomly —

    Thy Shore?

  • So the Eyes accost — and sunder

    In an Audience —

    Stamped — occasionally — forever —

    So may Countenance

    Entertain — without addressing

    Countenance of One

    In a Neighboring Horizon —

    Gone — as soon as known —

  • So well that I can live without —

    I love thee — then How well is that?

    As well as Jesus?

    Prove it me

    That He — loved Men —

    As I — love thee —

  • Society for me my misery

    Since Gift of Thee —