• She rose to His Requirement — dropt

    The Playthings of Her Life

    To take the honorable Work

    Of Woman, and of Wife —

    If ought She missed in Her new Day,

    Of Amplitude, or Awe —

    Or first Prospective — Or the Gold

    In using, wear away,

    It lay unmentioned — as the Sea

  • She sights a Bird — she chuckles —

    She flattens — then she crawls —

    She runs without the look of feet —

    Her eyes increase to Balls —

    Her Jaws stir — twitching — hungry —

    Her Teeth can hardly stand —

    She leaps, but Robin leaped the first —

    Ah, Pussy, of the Sand,


  • She slept beneath a tree —

    Remembered but by me.

    I touched her Cradle mute —

    She recognized the foot —

    Put on her carmine suit

    And see!

  • She sped as Petals of a Rose

    Offended by the Wind —

    A frail Aristocrat of Time

    Indemnity to find —

    Leaving on nature — a Default

    As Cricket or as Bee —

    But Andes in the Bosoms where

    She had begun to lie —

  • She staked her Feathers — Gained an Arc —

    Debated — Rose again —

    This time — beyond the estimate

    Of Envy, or of Men —

    And now, among Circumference —

    Her steady Boat be seen —

    At home — among the Billows — As

    The Bough where she was born —

  • She sweeps with many-colored Brooms —

    And leaves the Shreds behind —

    Oh Housewife in the Evening West —

    Come back, and dust the Pond!

    You dropped a Purple Ravelling in —

    You dropped an Amber thread —

    And how you've littered all the East

    With duds of Emerald!

    And still...

  • She went as quiet as the dew

    From a familiar flower.

    Not like the dew did she return

    At the accustomed hour !

    She dropt as softly as a star

    From out my summer's eve ;

    Less skilful than Leverrier

    It's sorer...

  • She's happy, with a new Content —

    That feels to her — like Sacrament —

    She's busy — with an altered Care —

    As just apprenticed to the Air —

    She's tearful — if she weep at all —

    For blissful Causes — Most of all

    That Heaven permit so meek as her —

    To such a Fate — to Minister.


  • The bell is set a-ringing, and the engine gives a toot,

    There's five-and-thirty shearers here a-shearing for the loot,

    So stir yourselves, you penners-up, and shove the sheep along --

    The musterers are fetching them a hundred thousand strong --

    And make your collie dogs speak up; what would the buyers say

    In London...

  • Shells from the Coast mistaking —

    I cherished them for All —

    Happening in After Ages

    To entertain a Pearl —

    Wherefore so late — I murmured —

    My need of Thee — be done —

    Therefore — the Pearl responded —

    My Period begin