• September's Baccalaureate

    A combination is

    Of Crickets — Crows — and Retrospects

    And a dissembling Breeze

    That hints without assuming —

    An Innuendo sear

    That makes the Heart put up its Fun

    And turn Philosopher.

  •      I

         The clearest eyes in all the world they read

           With sense more keen and spirit of sight more true

           Than burns and thrills in sunrise, when the dew

         Flames, and absorbs the glory round it shed,

         As they the light of ages quick and dead,

           Closed now,...

  • Exultation is the going

    Of an inland soul to sea, —

    Past the houses, past the headlands,

    Into deep eternity !

    Bred as we, among the mountains,

    Can the sailor understand

    The divine intoxication

    Of the first...

  • Several Questions Answerd

    He who binds to himself a joy

    Doth the winged life destroy

    But he who kisses the joy as it flies

    Lives in Eternitys sun rise


    The look of love alarms

    Because tis filld with fire


  • Severer Service of myself

    I — hastened to demand

    To fill the awful Vacuum

    Your life had left behind —

    I worried Nature with my Wheels

    When Hers had ceased to run —

    When she had put away Her Work

    My own had just begun.

    I strove to weary Brain and Bone —


  • Sexton! My Master's sleeping here.

    Pray lead me to his bed!

    I came to build the Bird's nest,

    And sow the Early seed —

    That when the snow creeps slowly

    From off his chamber door —

    Daisies point the way there —

    And the Troubadour.

  • Shall I take thee, the Poet said

    To the propounded word?

    Be stationed with the Candidates

    Till I have finer tried —

    The Poet searched Philology

    And when about to ring

    For the suspended Candidate

    There came unsummoned in —

    That portion of the Vision

    The Word...

  • Shame is the shawl of Pink

    In which we wrap the Soul

    To keep it from infesting Eyes —

    The elemental Veil

    Which helpless Nature drops

    When pushed upon a scene

    Repugnant to her probity —

    Shame is the tint divine.