• Sang from the Heart, Sire,

    Dipped my Beak in it,

    If the Tune drip too much

    Have a tint too Red

    Pardon the Cochineal —

    Suffer the Vermillion —

    Death is the Wealth

    Of the Poorest Bird.

    Bear with the Ballad —

    Awkward — faltering —

    Death twists the...

  • Satisfaction — is the Agent

    Of Satiety —

    Want — a quiet Commissary

    For Infinity.

    To possess, is past the instant

    We achieve the Joy —

    Immortality contented

    Were Anomaly.

  • Our fathers, brave men were and strong,

    And whisky was their daily liquor;

    They used to move the world along

    In better style than now -- and quicker.

    Elections then were sport, you bet!

    A trifle rough, there's no denying

    When two opposing factions met

    The skin and hair were always flying....

  • Savior! I've no one else to tell —

    And so I trouble thee.

    I am the one forgot thee so —

    Dost thou remember me?

    Nor, for myself, I came so far —

    That were the little load —

    I brought thee the imperial Heart

    I had not strength to hold —

    The Heart I carried in my own —


  • The moral is patent to all the beholders --

    Don't shift your own sins on to other folks' shoulders;

    Be kind to dumb creatures and never abuse them,

    Nor curse them nor kick them, nor spitefully use them:

    Take their lives if needs must -- when it comes to the worst,

    But don't let them perish of hunger or thirst....

  •             Darkness sat brooding o'er the infant world,

                That in chaotic gloom and silence lay,

                Till from the throne of Light the sun was hurled;

                Then that eternal night was changed to day,

                And his effulgent, life-imparting ray,

                O'er the wide waste of...

  • Attraction is a curious power,

        That none can understand:

    Its influence is every where—

        In water, air and land;

    It keeps the earth compact and tight,

        As though strong bolts were through it;

    And, what is more mysterious yet,

        It binds us mortals to it.

    You throw...

  • See where the Thames, the purest stream

    That wavers to the noon-day beam,

       Divides the vale below:

    While like a vein of liquid ore

    His waves enrich the happy shore,

       Still shining as they flow.

    Nor yet, my Delia, to the main

    Runs the sweet tide without a stain,
