• One Life of so much Consequence!

    Yet I — for it — would pay —

    My Soul's entire income —

    In ceaseless — salary —

    One Pearl — to me — so signal —

    That I would instant dive —

    Although — I knew — to take it —

    Would cost me — just a life!

    The Sea is full — I know it!

  • One need not be a Chamber — to be Haunted —

    One need not be a House —

    The Brain has Corridors — surpassing

    Material Place —

    Far safer, of a Midnight Meeting

    External Ghost

    Than its interior Confronting —

    That Cooler Host.

    Far safer, through an Abbey gallop,

  • One of the ones that Midas touched

    Who failed to touch us all

    Was that confiding Prodigal

    The reeling Oriole —

    So drunk he disavows it

    With badinage divine —

    So dazzling we mistake him

    For an alighting Mine —

    A Pleader — a Dissembler —

    An Epicure — a Thief...

  • One Sister have I in our house,

    And one, a hedge away.

    There's only one recorded,

    But both belong to me.

    One came the road that I came —

    And wore my last year's gown —

    The other, as a bird her nest,

    Builded our hearts among.

    She did not sing as we did —


  • One thing of it we borrow

    And promise to return —

    The Booty and the Sorrow

    Its Sweetness to have known —

    One thing of it we covet —

    The power to forget —

    The Anguish of the Avarice

    Defrays the Dross of it —

  • One Year ago — jots what?

    God — spell the word! I — can't —

    Was't Grace? Not that —

    Was't Glory? That — will do —

    Spell slower — Glory —

    Such Anniversary shall be —

    Sometimes — not often — in Eternity —

    When farther Parted, than the Common Woe —

    Look — feed upon each other's...

  • Out in the grey cheerless chill of the morning light,

    Out on the track where the night shades still lurk,

    ere the first gleam of the sungod's returning light

    Round come the racehorses early at work.

    Reefing and pulling and racing so readily,

    Close sit the jockey-boys holding them hard,

    "Steady the...

  • Only a Shrine, but Mine —

    I made the Taper shine —

    Madonna dim, to whom all Feet may come,

    Regard a Nun —

    Thou knowest every Woe —

    Needless to tell thee — so —

    But can'st thou do

    The Grace next to it — heal?

    That looks a harder skill to us —

    Still — just as easy...

  • Only God — detect the Sorrow —

    Only God —

    The Jehovahs — are no Babblers —

    Unto God —

    God the Son — Confide it —

    Still secure —

    God the Spirit's Honor —

    Just as sure —