• SISTER of Phœbus, gentle Queen,

    Of aspect mild and brow serene,

    Whose friendly beams by night appear

    The lonely traveller to cheer;

    Attractive Power, whose mighty sway


  • Thou magic lyre, whose fascinating sound

       Seduc'd the savage monsters from their cave,

    Drew rocks and trees, and forms uncouth around,

       And bade wild Hebrus hush his list'ning wave;

    No more thy undulating warblings flow

    O'er Thracian wilds of everlasting snow!

    Awake to sweeter sounds, thou...

  • Of all the Souls that stand create —

    I have elected — One —

    When Sense from Spirit — files away —

    And Subterfuge — is done —

    When that which is — and that which was —

    Apart — intrinsic — stand —

    And this brief Drama in the flesh —

    Is shifted — like a Sand —

    When Figures show their...

  • Of all the Sounds despatched abroad,

    There's not a Charge to me

    Like that old measure in the Boughs —

    That phraseless Melody —

    The Wind does — working like a Hand,

    Whose fingers Comb the Sky —

    Then quiver down — with tufts of Tune —

    Permitted Gods, and me —

    Inheritance, it...

  • Of Being is a Bird

    The likest to the Down

    An Easy Breeze do put afloat

    The General Heavens — upon —

    It soars — and shifts — and whirls —

    And measures with the Clouds

    In easy — even — dazzling pace —

    No different the Birds —

    Except a Wake of Music


  • Of Bronze — and Blaze —

    The North — Tonight —

    So adequate — it forms —

    So preconcerted with itself —

    So distant — to alarms —

    An Unconcern so sovereign

    To Universe, or me —

    Infects my simple spirit

    With Taints of Majesty —

    Till I take vaster attitudes —


  • Of Brussels — it was not —

    Of Kidderminster? Nay —

    The Winds did buy it of the Woods —

    They — sold it unto me

    It was a gentle price —

    The poorest — could afford —

    It was within the frugal purse

    Of Beggar — or of Bird —

    Of small and spicy Yards —

    In hue — a...

  • Of Consciousness, her awful Mate

    The Soul cannot be rid —

    As easy the secreting her

    Behind the Eyes of God.

    The deepest hid is sighted first

    And scant to Him the Crowd —

    What triple Lenses burn upon

    The Escapade from God —

  • Of Course — I prayed —

    And did God Care?

    He cared as much as on the Air

    A Bird — had stamped her foot —

    And cried "Give Me" —

    My Reason — Life —

    I had not had — but for Yourself —

    'Twere better Charity

    To leave me in the Atom's Tomb —

    Merry, and Nought, and gay, and...