• * * *

    O dear Mother outline of knowledge most sage[4]

    Whats the First Part of Painting she said Patronage[5]

    And what is the second to Please & Engage...

  •  * * *

    O Lapwing, thou fliest around the heath

    Nor seest the net that is spread beneath.

    Why dost thou not fly among the corn fields?

    They cannot spread nets where a harvest yields.

  • Obtaining but our own Extent

    In whatsoever Realm —

    'Twas Christ's own personal Expanse

    That bore him from the Tomb —

  •             Our patriot sires are gone,

                    The conqueror Death lays low

                Those veterans one by one,

                    Who braved each other foe; --

            Though on them rests death's sable pall,

            Yet o'er their deeds no shade shall fall.


                No, ye of...

  •             A glorious vision burst

                    On Europe's dazzled sight,

                Upon that day when first

                    Columbia sprang to light; --

            When our NEW WORLD, till then concealed,

            In virgin beauty stood revealed.


                But more sublime that day...

  •       Ye distant spires, ye antique towers

                That crown the watery glade,

          Where grateful Science still adores

                Her Henry's holy shade;

          And ye, that from the stately brow

          Of Windsor's heights th' expanse below

                Of grove, of lawn, of mead survey,

  • Descend, ye Nine! descend and sing;

        The breathing instruments inspire,

      Wake into voice each silent string,

        And sweep the sounding lyre;

        In a sadly-pleasing strain

        Let the warbling lute complain:

          Let the loud trumpet sound,

          Till the roofs all around