• Kill your Balm — and its Odors bless you —

    Bare your Jessamine — to the storm —

    And she will fling her maddest perfume —

    Haply — your Summer night to Charm —

    Stab the Bird — that built in your bosom —

    Oh, could you catch her last Refrain —

    Bubble! "forgive" — "Some better" — Bubble!


  • Knock with tremor —

    These are Caesars —

    Should they be at Home

    Flee as if you trod unthinking

    On the Foot of Doom —

    These receded to accostal

    Centuries ago —

    Should they rend you with "How are you"

    What have you to show?

  • Knows how to forget!

    But could It teach it?

    Easiest of Arts, they say

    When one learn how

    Dull Hearts have died

    In the Acquisition

    Sacrificed for Science

    Is common, though, now —

    I went to School

    But was not wiser

    Globe did not teach it

  •   She meets me there, so strangely fair

        That my soul aches with a happy pain;—

      A pressure, a touch of her true lips, such

        As a seraph might give and take again;

      A hurried whisper, "Adieu! adieu!

      They wait for me while I stay for you!"

      And a parting smile of her blue eyes...

  •        The wail of France comes o'er the sea, --

                She mourns for thee, departed chief;

            And we, the children of the Free,

                Re-echo back the notes of grief.


            Thy course was like the morning sun,

                That lights two worlds, the east and west;

  • Come hither my boy tell me what thou seest there

    A fool tangled in a religious snare[3]

  • Lad of Athens faithful be to thyself and mystery—

    All the rest is perjury—