• It sounded as if the Streets were running

    And then — the Streets stood still —

    Eclipse — was all we could see at the Window

    And Awe — was all we could feel.

    By and by — the boldest stole out of his Covert

    To see if Time was there —

    Nature was in an Opal Apron,

    Mixing fresher Air....

  • It stole along so stealthy

    Suspicion it was done

    Was dim as to the wealthy

    Beginning not to own —

  • It struck me — every Day —

    The Lightning was as new

    As if the Cloud that instant slit

    And let the Fire through —

    It burned Me — in the Night —

    It Blistered to My Dream —

    It sickened fresh upon my sight —

    With every Morn that came —

    I though that Storm — was brief —...

  • It tossed — and tossed —

    A little Brig I knew — o'ertook by Blast —

    It spun — and spun —

    And groped delirious, for Morn —

    It slipped — and slipped —

    As One that drunken — stept —

    Its white foot tripped —

    Then dropped from sight —

    Ah, Brig — Good Night


  • It troubled me as once I was —

    For I was once a Child —

    Concluding how an Atom — fell —

    And yet the Heavens — held —

    The Heavens weighed the most — by far —

    Yet Blue — and solid — stood —

    Without a Bolt — that I could prove —

    Would Giants — understand?

    Life set me...

  • It was a Grave, yet bore no Stone

    Enclosed 'twas not of Rail

    A Consciousness its Acre, and

    It held a Human Soul.

    Entombed by whom, for what offence

    If Home or Foreign born —

    Had I the curiosity

    'Twere not appeased of men

    Till Resurrection, I must guess


  • It was a hard thing to undo this knot.

    The rainbow shines, but only in the thought

    Of him that looks. Yet not in that alone,

    For who makes rainbows by invention?

    And many standing round a waterfall

    See one bow each, yet not the same to all,

    But each a hand's breadth further than the next.

  • It was a quiet seeming Day —

    There was no harm in earth or sky —

    Till with the closing sun

    There strayed an accidental Red

    A Strolling Hue, one would have said

    To westward of the Town —

    But when the Earth began to jar

    And Houses vanished with a roar

    And Human Nature hid...

  • It was a quiet way —

    He asked if I was his —

    I made no answer of the Tongue

    But answer of the Eyes —

    And then He bore me on

    Before this mortal noise

    With swiftness, as of Chariots

    And distance, as of Wheels.

    This World did drop away

    As Acres from the feet


  • It was given to me by the Gods —

    When I was a little Girl —

    They given us Presents most — you know —

    When we are new — and small.

    I kept it in my Hand —

    I never put it down —

    I did not dare to eat — or sleep —

    For fear it would be gone —

    I heard such words as "Rich" —
