• It feels a shame to be Alive —

    When Men so brave — are dead —

    One envies the Distinguished Dust —

    Permitted — such a Head —

    The Stone — that tells defending Whom

    This Spartan put away

    What little of Him we — possessed

    In Pawn for Liberty —

    The price is great —...

  • It is a lonesome Glee —

    Yet sanctifies the Mind —

    With fair association —

    Afar upon the Wind

    A Bird to overhear

    Delight without a Cause —

    Arrestless as invisible —

    A matter of the Skies.

  • It is an honorable Thought

    And make One lift One's Hat

    As One met sudden Gentlefolk

    Upon a daily Street

    That We've immortal Place

    Though Pyramids decay

    And Kingdoms, like the Orchard

    Flit Russetly away

  • It is easy to work when the soul is at play —

    But when the soul is in pain —

    The hearing him put his playthings up

    Makes work difficult — then —

    It is simple, to ache in the Bone, or the Rind —

    But Gimlets — among the nerve —

    Mangle daintier — terribler —

    Like a Panter in the Glove —...

  • It knew no lapse, nor Diminuation —

    But large — serene —

    Burned on — until through Dissolution —

    It failed from Men —

    I could not deem these Planetary forces

    Annulled —

    But suffered an Exchange of Territory —

    Or World —

  • It knew no Medicine —

    It was not Sickness — then —

    Nor any need of Surgery —

    And therefore — 'twas not Pain —

    It moved away the Cheeks —

    A Dimple at a time —

    And left the Profile — plainer —

    And in the place of Bloom

    It left the little Tint

    That never had a...

  • It makes no difference abroad —

    The Seasons — fit — the same —

    The Mornings blossom into Noons —

    And split their Pods of Flame —

    Wild flowers — kindle in the Woods —

    The Brooks slam — all the Day —

    No Black bird bates his Banjo —

    For passing Calvary —

    Auto da Fe — and...

  • It might be lonelier

    Without the Loneliness —

    I'm so accustomed to my Fate —

    Perhaps the Other — Peace —

    Would interrupt the Dark —

    And crowd the little Room —

    Too scant — by Cubits — to contain

    The Sacrament — of Him —

    I am not used to Hope —

    It might...

  • It rises — passes — on our South

    Inscribes a simple Noon —

    Cajoles a Moment with the Spires

    And infinite is gone —

  • It sifts from Leaden Sieves —

    It powders all the Wood.

    It fills with Alabaster Wool

    The Wrinkles of the Road —

    It makes an Even Face

    Of Mountain, and of Plain —

    Unbroken Forehead from the East

    Unto the East again —

    It reaches to the Fence —

    It wraps it Rail...